Collaborating to explore complementary approaches to mental wellness and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond


  • Lisa Ridgway
    Patient partner

Team members: 

  • Fidel Vila-Rodriguez
  • Aanchel Gupta
  • Alberto Almeida
    St. Paul's Hospital, PHC
  • Ursula Ellis
  • Ruth Lavergne
  • Mariah Allyson Banal
  • Arminee Kazanjian

Building on the work that our team has done regarding home-based activities that can improve mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are proposing a series of activities that will build and foster collaboration among researchers from various disciplines, people with lived experience, and experts and practitioners of various activities that have therapeutic effects on mental health. Specifically, we propose to form a collaborative group that will meet once every month to set research agenda and priorities and to plan the holding of a virtual conference in September 2021 and the preparation of a systematic plan to conduct a knowledge synthesis. The focus of both activities will be on improving mental wellness through effective self-directed activities that can be performed at home or in the community. 

Outputs from the proposed activities will be used to plan future research activities and secure funding for a knowledge synthesis that can inform current approaches to addressing mental health needs at the individual, practice, and health system levels.

Building on Strengths in Supported Housing and the Treatment of Mental Illness in BC

Research co-lead: 

  • Julian Somers
    Simon Fraser University, At Home Project, Homeless Intervention Program, Inter-Ministry Research Initiative 

Research user co-lead:

  • Darrell Burnham
    Coast Mental Health

Team members: 

  • David MacIntyre
    BC Non-Profit Housing Association
  • Dominic Flanagan
    BC Housing
  • Taryn Walsh
    Ministry of Mental Health & Addiction
  • Elenore Arend
    Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General
  • Colin Ross
    City of Vancouver, BC Justice Summit
  • Stefanie Rezansoff
    Simon Fraser University 

BC research has examined the effects of supported housing on mental illness, addiction, crime, public safety, community integration, quality of life, and total public expenditure. Local and international studies show that increased spending does not necessarily result in significant improvement for people with complex needs, and that effective interventions require specific coordinated approaches to service delivery. At present, no central source of support exists to ensure that relevant research is available to inform practices in BC.

This project will convene provincial partners who are responsible for addressing homelessness, mental illness, and addiction, and identify priorities for cross-sector coordination, implementation of best practices, and evaluation. Identified priorities will be reviewed with additional provincial stakeholders (e.g., municipal government, community-based housing & health service providers, patients & family members). Priorities and recommendations will be finalized by the project team along with recommended next steps and made available to the public via SFU web-based media and communications.

 Results will inform a multi-year plan for applied research addressing housing and mental illness in BC. 

Virtual Innovative health Strategies through Interdisciplinary co-Operative Network (VISION)

Research co-lead: 

Research user co-lead:

  • Thomas Noseworthy
    BC Academic Health Sciences Network (BCAHSN)

Team members: 

  • Dr. Riyad Abu-Laban
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Giuseppe Carenini
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Jim Christenson
    University of British Columbia, BC Emergency Medicine Network
  • Dr. Martin Dawes
    University of British Columbia, GenXys
  • Dr. Thalia Field
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Nat Hawkins
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Anita Ho
    University of British Columbia, Centre for Health Evaluation & Outcome Sciences
  • Dr. Richard Lester
    University of British Columbia, WelTel
  • Dr. Craig Mitton
    University of British Columbia, Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Evaluation, VCH Research Institute
  • Dr. Panos Nasiopoulos
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Raymond Ng
    University of British Columbia, Data Science Institute UBC
  • Dr. Helen Novak Lauscher
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Frank Scheuermeyer
    University of British Columbia, St Paul’s Hospital
  • Dr. Mahsa Talebpourazad
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Hubert Wong
    University of British Columbia, Centre for Health Evaluation & Outcome Sciences, BC SUPPORT Unit
  • Dr. Eric Grafstein
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver Coastal Health, Providence Health Care
  • Dr. Ronald Heslegrave
    William Osler Health System
  • Dr. Deepak Kaura
    Joule Board of Directors, 1Qbit
  • Dr. Chad A. Kim Sing
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Dr. Douglas Kingsford
    Interior Health, BC Ministry of Health
  • Colleen McGavin
  • Dr. Tom Noseworthy
    BC Academic Health Sciences Network
  • Dr. Don Sin
    University of British Columbia, Centre of Heart Lung Innovation
  • Dr. Sean Virani
    University of British Columbia, Canadian Heart Failure Society
  • Tina Cheng
    University of British Columbia
  • Michael Lai
    University of British Columbia
  • Sophia Ly
    University of British Columbia
  • Azzra Mangalji
    University of British Columbia
  • Ellison Richmond
    University of British Columbia

 Patient care today relies heavily on patients and caregivers coordinating their own records, leading to difficulties building comprehensive and accurate health records. Digitizing the patient journey, from using electronic records to tracking patients' health with portable sensors, are now conceivable to curate and accurately record health information and improve self-management. To begin transforming healthcare using technology-enabled healthcare approaches, commonly referred to as virtual or digital health, we need rigorous interdisciplinary research.

Virtual Innovative health Strategies through Interdisciplinary co-Operative Network (VISION) aims to advance research to develop and evaluate virtual and digital interventions in healthcare. With experienced faculty members, trainees, and research users (eg. patients, caregivers, policy makers, healthcare professionals, industry) from health, social, and natural sciences, together we can work to digitize healthcare.

Through this MSFHR grant, we will bring VISION members and experts outside of BC together to explore key areas of interdisciplinary research in digital health and convene a patient and caregiver advisory committee to guide our patient-oriented research path forward. 


Promoting shared decision-making for the treatment of heart valve disease in Canada

Research co-lead: 

  • Sandra Lauck
    University of British Columbia 

Research user co-lead:

  • Jacqueline Forman
    St. Paul's Hospital

Team members: 

  • Sandra Carroll
    McMaster University
  • Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Anita Asgar
    Transcatheter Valve Therapy Clinic
  • Dr. Leslie Achtem
    Vancouver Transcatheter Heart Valve Program, St. Paul’s Hospital
  • Amanda Smith
    McMaster University 
  • Dr. Richard Cook
    Vancouver General Hospital
  • Michelle Tyler
    University of British Columbia, St. Paul's Hospital
  • Krystina Lewis
    University of Ottawa

After the age of 70, about 10% of British Columbians will develop a heart valve disease called aortic ('a-yor-tic') stenosis. Over time, the leaflets of the heart valve become harder and blood cannot pass through easily to travel to the rest of the body. This is like having a garden hose with a spout that cannot be loosened. The only treatment is to replace the valve. If this is not done, most people with the worse aortic stenosis will die within a year.

As of recently, this valve replacement can be done in one of two ways: either with open heart surgery (surgical aortic valve replacement) or using a small hollow plastic tube threaded through a leg artery or another way (transcatheter aortic valve replacement). Both ways have different risks and benefits, and many patients can have one way to the other.

The reason our group of clinicians, researchers and patients want to come together is to help patients and their doctors and other health care professionals decide about the way to change the valve together that is the right one for each patient. It is also important that this decision matches the patient's values and beliefs about their health and their goals. This is called shared decision-making.

Our goals are to look about what we know about the treatment of aortic stenosis and shared decision-making and study how we can use this information to improve the care of older British Columbians and Canadians who need valve surgery.  

Brain Exchange: Engaging Inter-disciplinary Perspectives to Support Women’s Brain Health

Research co-lead: 

Research user co-lead:

  • Shirley Weir
    Menopause Chicks 

Team members: 

  • Dr. Elizabeth Rideout
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Lori Brotto 
    Women’s Health Research Institute  
  • Ama Kyeremeh
    University of British Columbia
  • Wansu Qiu
    University of British Columbia
  • Kate Wahl
    University of British Columbia

Women are more susceptible to certain brain disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and Alzheimer's disease compared to men. Moreover, disease manifestation is different between the sexes. Yet, most research focuses primarily on males, which has contributed to the current knowledge gap and inequities in practice. Although new work has focussed on how biological sex alters disease trajectory and outcome, less is known about how the unique physiological and social challenges experienced by women influence brain health. What we do know is striking. For example, the physiological changes during pregnancy and postpartum alter susceptibility to brain disease, and barriers to access care can significantly affect the timing and accuracy of diagnoses in women.

This highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of women's physiological and social challenges that are unique to women to improve health outcomes. Yet, most research has focussed primarily on males which has contributed enormously to the current knowledge gap and inequities in practice.

We will host a one-day Women's Health Conference to bring together multidisciplinary researchers and stakeholders to:

  1. engage in dialogue related to women's brain health issues,
  2. foster new collaborations, and
  3. establish a provincial Women's Brain Health Network that will build new research programs and offer essential student training in order to reduce knowledge gaps and inequities in accessing care. 

Improving Young Adult Cancer Care in Partnership with Young Adults and Cancer Care Allies in BC

Research co-lead: 

  • Cheryl Heykoop
    Royal Roads University

Research user co-lead:

  • Catherine Clelland
    BC Cancer Agency

Team members: 

  • Jennifer Cartwright
  • Karine Chalifour
    Young Adult Cancer Canada
  • Nicol MacPherson
    BC Cancer
  • Lisa McCune
    BC Support Unit
  • Nicolette McGuire
    Research and Innovation – Ministry of Health
  • Morgan Price
    University of British Columbia, Innovation Support Unit 
  • Danielle Schroeder
    Callanish Society
  • Genevieve Stonebridge

In Canada, approximately 8000 young adults (aged 18 to 39) are diagnosed with cancer each year, representing 4% of cancer diagnoses annually. Currently, cancer care systems have limited capacity to meet the complex needs of young adults with cancer and young adult cancer care is generally underrepresented in cancer education and research. However, research indicates that young adults with cancer have a clear understanding of how their care could be improved and want to play an active role in doing so.

This C2 grant would support 20 young adults with cancer and 20 cancer care allies (health care professionals, decision-makers, researchers, and community organizations) in BC to come together for a two-day meeting to share experiences of young adult cancer care and to identify key research and practice priorities to improve young adult cancer care in BC.

Key outcomes include:

  1. strengthened relationships and partnerships between young adults and cancer care allies;
  2. identification of key research and practice priorities to improve young adult cancer care in BC; and
  3. the co-creation of a high-quality report and two knowledge products to share learnings and priorities widely.    

A Clinical Academic Partnership to Advance Team-based Practice in Reablement

Research co-lead: 

Research user co-lead:

  • Dolores Langford
    Center for Hip Health and Mobility (CHHM), Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute

Team members: 

  • Darryl Caves
    Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Chris Nicol
    Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Dr. Patro Ariza-Vega
    University of Granada, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
  • Dr. Ken Madden
    Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Morgan Price
    University of British Columbia
  • Jane Burns
    Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Dr. Elissa Burton
    Curtin University
  • Lindy Clemson
    University of Sydney
  • Lena Fleig
    Medical School Berlin 
  • Christiane Hoppmann
    University of British Columbia
  • Paule Bellwood
    University of British Columbia

Reablement is a short-term intensive interdisciplinary approach to providing health care at home, with a focus on older adults post-hospitalization. Reablement emphasizes a person's autonomy and independence, but the model may pose implementation challenges within a team-based setting. To mitigate these factors requires a consistent training program (for fidelity) to adopt the concept of reablement, and develop skills and knowledge. To create an acceptable, feasible, and effective knowledge strategy requires co-designing the curriculum with the end users.

This study, grounded in behaviour change theory, is designed to work with frontline clinicians and researchers, to create a blended curriculum of online training, video scenarios, and group-based work. We will work within our established clinical academic partnership, to develop the curriculum over 12 months via a series of monthly webinars from experts in the clinical and research fields on topics related to delivering reablement. During the webinars, a facilitator will synthesize information on ways to strengthen team-based practice, maintain fidelity to the model, and support older adults' autonomy and independence.

We anticipate the following outcomes from this collaboration: a co-created curriculum of reablement, a consensus statement on behavior change strategies for reablement, KT capacity building for trainees, peer-reviewed publications, and a research agenda for next steps to advance reablement in BC.   

Building towards consensus on compensation and conflict in patient-oriented research (POR)

Research co-lead: 

  • Davina Banner-Lukaris
    University of Northern British Columbia

Research user co-lead:

  • Marc Bains
    University of Northern British Columbia Health Research Institute

Team members: 

  • Jennifer Brown
    Northern Medical Program
  • Stirling Bryan
    University of British Columbia, BC Support Unit
  • Alison Hoens
    University of British Columbia
  • Daman Kandola
    University of Northern British Columbia 
  • Haydn Molcak
    University of Northern British Columbia 
  • Michelle Mujoomdar
    Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology

POR describes the process of involving patients and their caregivers in research, not just as participants but also as collaborators and partners. In response to this, there has been increasing calls for patients to receive compensation for their contributions. However, compensation practices and sources of financial support are varied. Increasing numbers of patients and patient organizations are receiving financial support through industry or pharmaceutical organizations, as well as non-profit advocacy groups.  While this has opened up new opportunities for patients to be involved in research, it is unclear how potential conflicts of interest are understood and managed.

Our project seeks to critically explore the compensation of patients in POR and to gain insights into how conflicts of interest are, and could be, managed. We will first host a facilitated live chat on Twitter to gather a range of perspectives from patients and stakeholders. We will analyze this data and will use this to plan and deliver a one-day consultation meeting. We will invite key stakeholders from across British Columbia, including patients, researchers and others, to share their experiences and identify key research questions, gaps and priorities.

Building partnerships for implementing a decentralized eHealth collaborative gout care model: BRIDGE

Research co-leads: 

Research user co-lead:

  • Dr. Kam Shojania
    University of British Columbia

Team members: 

  • Dr. Nick Bansback
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Hyon Choi
    Harvard University
  • Kelly English
    Arthritis Research Canada Patient Advisory Board 
  • Russell Friesen
    St. Paul's Hospital
  • Alyssa Howren
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Alison Kydd
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Diane Lacaille
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Linda Li
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Nicole Tsao
    Harvard University
  • Dr. Peter Zed
    University of British Columbia

Gout is a common and very painful type of joint disease caused by too much uric acid build up in the body. In 2012, our research team showed that gout affects over 171,000 people in BC and that hospital visits from gout has doubled from 2000 to 2011. This is alarming as the cause of gout is known and drugs that lower uric acid are available. Indeed, despite being a curable disease, gout has not been managed well.

In 2019, we completed research that showed that health professionals including rheumatologists, pharmacists, and dietitians remotely working together and sharing electronic medical records (EMR) is a feasible and effective way of caring for gout patients. It is important to continue to work towards implementing this promising approach to gout care. This includes involving family physicians who see the majority of gout patients as well as exploring access for gout patients living in both urban and rural areas.

Our proposed activities involve building partnerships with gout patients, health professionals, researchers, and EMR experts across BC to gather perspectives and expertise needed to inform and design future implementation research of this unique way of caring for gout patients. 

Developing an Evidence-, Equity-, and Community-Informed Agenda for Rural Health Research in BC

Research co-leads: 

Research user co-lead:

  • Deanne Taylor
    Interior Health Authority

Team members: 

  • Dr. Barbara Buckley
    Thompson Rivers University
  • Dr. Jason Curran
    Rural Coordination Centre of BC
  • Alex Kent
    Simon Fraser University
  • Dr. Jude Kornelsen
    University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Jen Miller
    Health Systems
  • Brad Anderson
    Aboriginal Health
  • Kim Peake
    IH Research Department, BC Support Unit 
  • Sage Runner
    IH Research Department

Rural communities in British Columbia (BC) face challenges in accessing care and services. Many rural and remote communities are First Nations, for whom geographic and resource inequities are compounded by sociopolitical and historical injustices. Equity considerations are critical to understanding the unique and diverse experiences and needs of rural communities. Research can help generate evidence, equity, and community-informed responses to the needs and priorities of rural communities. It can play a role in co-creating new ways of working together. Yet, BC has no coherent set of guidelines to inform efforts or investments in rural health research.

This C2 grant will bring people together to share their perspectives about the pressing research priorities for rural communities. Together, people who live and work in (or with) rural communities will articulate priorities for rural health research in BC. This early set of priorities will inform broader online dialogue, where people will collectively shape a vision for rural health research. The outcome will be an evidence and community-informed agenda for rural health research that can guide future directions for funders, researchers, health systems, and community partners.