The Modernization of Clinical Trials Conference


Thank you for joining us at #CTBC21!


Clinical Trials BC held its inaugural provincial conference called “The Modernization of Clinical Trials” on January 26, 27 and 28 2021. The virtual conference attracted many in the British Columbia clinical trials community with a final registration of over 600. Overall attendance was at 81%, with most participants joining from BC.

The Conference was opened by Jean Smart, Conference Chair, followed by Welcomes from Elder Syexwaliya, Mary Ackenhusen, Ministry of Health, Stirling Bryan, BC AHSN and Alison Orth, Clinical Trials BC.


Keynote Session

The inspirational Keynote address by Allan Hackshaw, Professor of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics at University College London, and Deputy Director of the Cancer Research UK & UCL Cancer Trials Centre, is now available for viewing below.


Session Recordings


Special Events and Awards

A few special events were featured at the Conference. The Lunch Bite Panel on ‘Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials’ was a notable draw.  The video “Best Practices in Communicating Study Results to Clinical Trial Participants” was premiered and the Clinical Trials BC Awards ceremony was held.  The awards honoured Fasken for 25 years of support in education in the research and clinical trial community, and Clinical Research Professionals of BC (CRPBC) for 25 years service in professional education and networking. The awards video is available for viewing on our YouTube channel.


Conference Session Summary

The Conference Planning Committee (with active participation of the entire CTBC Advisory Council and the CTBC patient participants) hosted 10 Clinical Trials Forums: Innovations, Diversity, Vaccine Development, Pragmatic Clinical Trials, Regulatory and Leadership. The forum-style expert presentations with follow-up discussions, were popular and conducive in a virtual setting.



The Exhibition Hall was open throughout the conference with 23 active booths.


Thank You

The Conference has been deemed a clinical trials community success. Many thanks have been extended to our 54 speakers, patient partners, moderators, coordinating centre (Venue West) and the registrants.


Keynote Address Recording