Gap Junctional Hemichannels in Astrocytes: Regulation in Normal and Injured CNS

Gap junctions are connections between cells that allow free passage of ions and small molecules. Because ions can flow through them, gap junctions permit changes in membrane potential to pass from cell to cell in most body organs, including the brain. Gap junctions are key elements in cellular communication that are essential for normal embryonic development and function in adult organs. Combining his engineering background with more recent training in biochemical research, Dr. Francisco Cayabyab is using a number of research methods to investigate deficient levels of gap junctions and examine their regulation and function. He hopes this research will contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies targeting gap junction proteins for certain neurological disorders, including stroke, epilepsy and schizophrenia.

Molecular mechanisms of SP12-mediated virulence in Salmonella Typhimurim

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a bacterium that causes gastroenteritis, a type of food poisoning characterized by abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Most Salmonella infections arise from oral ingestion of tainted food or water and are a significant cause of disease and death in animals and humans worldwide. Dr. Brian Coombes is studying the molecular mechanisms by which Salmonella use virulence factors to modify their host environment. Once injected into mammalian host cells, these virulence factors rearrange and reprogram the cells so that Salmonella can replicate and evade the body’s immune system. Learning more about how bacteria use specific virulence factors to manipulate their environment during infection may lead to the design of new therapeutic strategies to treat or block the disease process.

Mechanisms of pathogenic E. coli – host cell interactions

Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria cause numerous diseases including meningitis, urinary tract infections and diarrhea. Worldwide, enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) is one of the leading causes of diarrhea in children and is an endemic health threat in the developing world, causing the death of several hundred thousand people each year. Isolated outbreaks of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) also occur in developed countries, often transmitted in contaminated hamburgers and water supplies, and can cause diarrhea and fatal kidney disease. After binding to the cells that line the intestine, E. coli injects several proteins that lead to diarrhea and disease. Dr. Philip Hardwidge aims to identify these proteins and determine their structure and function. He is also examining how intestinal cells respond to E. coli at the level of gene expression, using an advanced technique to analyze several thousand genes at a time. This research could guide the design of future vaccines and antibiotics to prevent and treat E. coli.

Molecular mechanism linking Hox transcription factors to leukemia

Leukemia affects one to two per cent of the population in the industrialized world. The disease occurs when the genes that control the normal process of blood cell formation function abnormally, and bone marrow produces malignant white blood cells as a result. These cancerous cells accumulate, interfere with the body’s production of healthy blood cells, and make the body unable to protect itself against infections. A family of genes called Hox genes are present in elevated levels in patients with some forms of leukemia, and are known to play a crucial role in the disease. Dr. Koichi Hirose is investigating the molecular function of these genes to explain how they transform normal blood cell development into leukemia. His research could help in the development of new therapies for treating Hox-related leukemia.

Bioinformatic analysis of large-scale microarry data

Dr. Karsten Hokamp is already known for developing the PubCrawler service used worldwide to stay up to date with the medical literature database PubMed. Now he is working on a large-scale project comprising databases and tools to support genetic research into immune responses against viral and bacterial infections. As part of a major Genome Canada project, laboratories across Canada are studying genetic information on viral, bacterial and fungal infections that affect humans and animals. Researchers are using microarray technology to simultaneously examine thousands of genes. Karsten’s platform will be capable of storing and processing what may possibly be the largest set of microarray data ever generated in Canada. He will set up a system to collect and analyze the data, with capability of comparing genetic information from different organisms and species. This system will contribute to improved understanding of immune responses and will aid in developing new ways to prevent and treat infections in humans and animals. In addition, other institutions worldwide that are increasing production of microarray data could use this setup as a model.

Stimulation of Natural Killer T cells by bacteria capsular polysaccharides

Antigens are foreign substances that stimulate an immune response. While immune responses to protein antigens have been extensively studied, little is known about the way carbohydrate antigens stimulate the immune system. Carbohydrates in the outer layer of bacteria, called capsular polysaccharides (CPS), protect bacteria. Most bacteria that cause serious infections in humans have this characteristic. Dr. Motoi Maeda hopes to induce an immune response to CPS to prevent many diseases caused by bacterial infection. He has found that the CPS in two common strains of bacteria stimulates white blood cells called natural killer T cells (NKT). Motoi believes NKT cells are critical for initiating an immune response to disease-causing bacteria that have capsules for protection, and is researching how they are stimulated. This information could be used to create new vaccines against common infectious bacteria.

Mediator mobilization and release from neutrophil azurophilic granules in association with asthma and COPD

Asthma is the most common chronic respiratory disease in children, and accounts for 25 per cent of school absenteeism. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) generally affects people over 60, and includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The rate of both diseases is increasing worldwide, and while asthma symptoms can be treated, COPD has no cure. Neutrophils are the largest cell population among white blood cells and are a critical component of the immune system. Neutrophils contain toxins that enable them to kill bacteria. However, they are more aggressive in people with asthma and COPD and release more toxins, which may exacerbate lung damage. The way neutrophils release these toxins and the genes that may control their release are unknown. Dr. Salahaddin Mahmudi-Azer is researching the mechanism for toxin release and the genes controlling the process to develop new ways of treating asthma and COPD.

Bi-specific antisense and RNAi targeting of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 as a novel treatment strategy for delaying progression and bony metastasis of prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer is the most common cause of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men in North America. But removing the androgens (male sex hormones) that regulate tumour growth — the only existing therapy shown to prolong survival — only produces temporary remission. Surviving tumour cells usually recur, becoming androgen independent. To improve survival, new therapeutic strategies must be developed. Dr. Alan So is exploring a novel way to treat prostate cancer at the molecular level. He is observing how prostate cancer is affected by shutting down two common genes in prostate cancer cells: IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 (insulin-like growth factor binding proteins). These genes are essential for prostate cancer to grow and spread to the bones. His research is also examining the effect of combining this treatment with chemotherapy on prostate cancer cells. The ultimate goal is to develop a more effective treatment for prostate cancer that can be tested in clinical trials.

The contribution of amyloid-induced neuroinflammatory factors to disturbances in neural processes related to learning and memory

Close to 250,000 Canadians over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease. The leading cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease characterized by loss of memory, judgement and reasoning, and changes in mood and behaviour. There is no known cause or cure. Within the brain, cells shrink or disappear and are replaced by dense spots, or plaques, which contain a protein called beta amyloid. Recent studies show chronic inflammation in the brain cells plays an important role in the development of Alzheimer Disease. Microglia — the smallest cells surrounding neurons — seem to contribute to this process, and the beta amyloid protein interacts with these cells. Dr. Aline Stephan is studying how amyloid deposits inside the brain induce neural changes to affect synaptic processes and memory function. Her research will help explain how inflammation exacerbates memory deficits, and may lead to new therapies to treat the disease.

Investigating protein expression and localization in microsporidian parasites during infection

Dr. Ross Waller’s earlier research into the malaria parasite has contributed important information leading to a new array of drugs to treat the disease. Now he is studying microsporidia, a group of intracellular parasites that infect humans and animals. In particular, microsporidia infect immune-compromised individuals, causing encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). The parasites have a remarkable method for invading host cells. This small, simple spore releases a harpoon-like tube that pierces the host cell. The parasite contents are then injected into the host through this tube, establishing the infection. Ross is identifying specific genes and proteins involved in the infection process, using genome sequences that have identified all the genes in two microsporidia. He is looking at the way proteins are prepared prior to and during the initial stages of infection. The results may provide new ways to combat these organisms.