Outcomes of a ketogenic dietary intervention on the gut microbiome-microglial brain axis and schizophrenia-like behaviour in mice exposed to a double-hit immune challenge

Alterations in microorganisms present in the gut are associated with various mental health disorders. It is possible that this is due to changes in microglia, the immune cells that fight infections in the brain. Microglia can consume neurons, which are the cells that talk to one another in the brain. It is possible that changes in gut microorganisms make these immune cells to eat up brain cells excessively and uncontrollably, which causes mental illness. To understand this, we will infect laboratory mice with infectious agents during pregnancy and expose them to stress during adolescence. After testing the mice for behavioral alterations, we will use imaging techniques to assess how gut microorganisms can influence microglia. We will then determine if ketogenic treatments with a clinically approved high fat and low carbohydrate diet, showing benefits on the gut and brain, can reverse harmful effects on these immune cells in the brain. Together these investigations will provide novel insights into how the gut microorganisms can affect the brain immune cells and alter behavior, resulting in mental illnesses. This research may provide new targets for the therapeutic management of mental health conditions that include schizophrenia.

Cost-efficient approach for phenotyping cells in large cohorts and relating them with COPD clinical outcomes

In Canada, over 2 million people suffer from COPD, costing over $1.5 billion per year in direct expenditures. However, no existing therapy can reverse COPD’s disease progress. Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are the lungs’ dominant immune cells and perform critical functions, including fighting infection and tissue repair. Single-cell genomics technology can characterize AM phenotypes and reveal their roles in COPD. However, validating the relation between AM phenotypes and COPD clinical outcomes requires many patients, making the unscalable single-cell technology impractical to study such large cohorts. This issue motivated me to develop a cost-efficient approach to discover cell-phenotype biomarkers, using both high-resolution single-cell and low-cost bulk genomic technologies. I will develop novel statistical methods and software tools for this novel approach. The key deliverables are: 1) an experiment protocol, novel statistical methods, and the first software pipeline for cost-efficient deep-phenotyping of large clinical cohorts, to discover biomarkers for ANY diseases; 2) novel AM phenotype biomarkers as drug targets of immunotherapy for COPD or a genomics diagnostic test (medical device) to guide personalized COPD treatment.

Improving access to culturally safe, gender affirming, and trauma-informed abortion services and support for Indigenous women, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people in Canada

While Canada is currently one out of four countries globally to have no national restriction in law, the 2016 UN Human Rights Commissioner’s report indicated a lack of access to abortion due to cost, knowledge, and geography. For Indigenous Women, Two-Spirit, and LGBTQIA+ people in Canada, additional barriers exist including colonialism and racism. Yet there is an alarming gap in the literature surrounding Indigenous peoples and abortion services — despite knowing that one in three people in Canada will experience an abortion in their reproductive lifetime. The goal of this program of research is to build on existing community knowledge and strengths, advance knowledge around, and remove barriers to abortion services for Indigenous Women, Two-Spirit, and LGBTQIA+ people in Canada. Guided by an Indigenous feminist framework that acknowledges the intersectional experiences of Indigenous women, Two-Sprit, and LGBTQIA+ peoples and abortion access, this program of research will apply an Indigenous methodology to investigate experiences, gather knowledge, and co-develop resources to improve the abortion access gap among Indigenous peoples.

Risk and protective factors for cognitive health across the adult age span: Impacts of physical and mental health and illness on cognitive outcomes

The virus causing COVID-19 can invade the brain, raising concern over long-term impacts on thinking abilities. We aim to identify long-term impacts on these cognitive abilities in those who have had COVID-19, and pinpoint factors that predict long-term outcomes. Adults positive for COVID-19 and those with no evidence of infection, are completing a series of cognitive and psychological tests in a current study. The proposed project will follow these individuals over time, with one and three-year follow-ups to examine changes in cognition across time. We will examine group differences in cognition, mental health, and other factors at each time point, determine if one or more cognitive profiles (clusters) characterize COVID-19 positive individuals, examine changes in these profiles across time, and test a screening measure to detect these cognitive difficulties. Findings will inform clinicians (e.g. neurologists, rehabilitation specialists) on trajectory of recovery of function and inform healthcare service provision in BC. Results will help ensure long-term impacts of infection are appropriately addressed, so those affected can efficiently resume complex activities requiring cognitive effort (e.g. employment, academic pursuits).

Does timing matter? A trial of intermittent fasting in haematological malignancies

Does when we eat make a difference to our health? We know that food choices can impact cancer risk but what if the timing plays a role as well? Evidence shows that fasting may slow cancer growth through a process called autophagy. Through an interdisciplinary research team, I am currently running a small trial testing the effects of intermittent fasting (IF) in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) at BCC-Victoria who are not on anti-cancer treatment. Specifically, I am asking whether IF regimens, differing in fasting timing and duration, stimulates autophagy, improves quality of life, impacts gut microbiome, and/or results in clinical benefit (i.e. reduced lymphocyte count). I am also following participants’ safety, ability to follow the fast, and fasting preferences. While early results look promising, I propose growing this study into a larger trial with three phases to clarify the effects of IF on cancer and the microbiome. Understanding these effects may help discover simple diet recommendations for patients with cancer that cause a response in cancer cells or slow cancer progression, are safe and reduce treatment side effects when used alongside current, standard treatments.

HIV In My Day: Destigmatizing HIV through theatre, living history, and storytelling

Despite advancements in HIV treatment and care, HIV stigma remains a challenge today. “HIV In My Day” is a community-based research project that has collected and digitally archived 100+ interviews with long-term HIV survivors and caregivers across British Columbia. It is crucial to share these stories more widely with communities who are still disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS as well as healthcare providers who serve these communities in order to continue destigmatizing HIV.

In collaboration with “In My Day”, a verbatim theatre production adapted from these stories, our proposed knowledge translation activities will be part of a larger arts-based event in December 2022 at The Cultch in Vancouver, including post-show interactive audience engagement; multimedia presentations of the findings from “HIV In My Day”; intergenerational forums with “HIV In My Day” participants; storytelling workshops for people living with HIV; performances of the “Viral Monologues”.

Together these activities will benefit attendees, including community members and healthcare providers, by teaching HIV history, building storytelling skills, and fostering intergenerational dialogue around HIV within and between affected communities.

Team members: Ben Klassen (Community-Based Research Centre); Michael Montess (University of Victoria); Kelli Stajduhar (University of Victoria); John Paul Catungal (University of British Columbia); Leah Tidey (University of Victoria); Rick Waines


Endothelial calcium dynamics regulating cerebrovascular function and capillary stalling in the healthy and diabetic brain

The brain is a metabolically demanding organ . Mismatch between blood flow and demand (from neurons) leads to a disruption and in extreme cases injury. Because the smallest blood vessels in the brain are narrow, they are prone to becoming obstructed by circulating cells and debris. This is exacerbated in Diabetics, with “sticky” blood vessels. The cells of blood vessels, endothelial cells, are more than just “pipes”, they form large physically connected networks between themselves. An important regulator of these networks, and a signal to communicate between them, is waves of calcium flowing into cells, which can propagate between these cells. How Diabetes affects these networks of blood vessels, and in turn impact the health of the brain is unknown. Thanks to new genetic tools with state of the art microscopes, we can directly observe these calcium fluxes into endothelial cells in the living, awake, mouse brain, and especially when these blood vessels become occluded. Combined with simultaneous monitoring of blood flow and neural activity I will be able to directly measure concurrent changes in brain activity, blood flow and calcium fluxes to investigate these dynamics in the living healthy or Diabetic mammalian brain.

Honouring all our relations: Advancing health and wellness of uncounted Indigenous peoples in BC through addressing gaps in population health and wellness reporting

Reporting on population health is important to monitor trends, identify priorities, and track progress to address inequities. All Indigenous peoples have the right to be counted. Yet, over 88,000 Indigenous people in British Columbia (BC) who do not have ‘Status’ under the Indian Act or are not registered with Metis Nation BC are currently ‘uncounted’ in population health reporting.

Responsibility for reporting on health of BC residents lies with the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, including collaborative reporting on health of diverse Indigenous peoples in BC. Currently, there is no process to report on health of uncounted Indigenous peoples. Gaps include: lack of formal relationships with those representing uncounted Indigenous peoples; no way of identifying this population in BC health data; absence of research frameworks reflecting uncounted Indigenous peoples’ perspectives; and no implementation plan for province-wide surveillance involving uncounted Indigenous peoples.

This study aims to support health of uncounted Indigenous peoples in BC by addressing current gaps in population health reporting, through partnerships that uphold Indigenous self-determination, decision-making and perspectives of health and wellness.

The impact of the loss-of-function ankyrin-B p.S646F variant on cardiomyocyte and neuronal excitability: Implications for diagnosis and treatment of heart disease

The electrical rhythms underlying heart and brain function are sustained by proteins that form pores in cellular membranes that flux ions like calcium and sodium. These pores are anchored in place by a molecule called ankyrin-B (ANKB). We discovered a genetic change in the Gitxsan Nation of Norther BC that results in a version of ANKB (ANKB p.S646F) associated with heart defects at birth, arrhythmias, sudden death, seizures, and cerebral aneurysms. We showed that this version of the ANKB molecule is mishandled by immature heart cells; however, we do not fully understand how this ANKB version contributes to clinical manifestations. As a clinician-scientist and expert in microscopy-based measurement of cellular excitability, I am well-positioned to bridge this important knowledge gap. By imaging calcium and voltage changes in living cells, I will study the impact of partial loss of ANKB and expression of disease-associated ANKB p.S646F versions on heart and brain cell excitability. I will also compare heart cell excitability data with patient electrocardiograms to help understand the connections between fundamental laboratory and clinical observations.

Developing patient-specific technologies to improve functional outcomes following joint replacement

The inability of patients to perform daily tasks after joint replacement remains a significant challenge as well as a burden on health systems because these poor results often require additional treatment (e.g. rehabilitation) and re-replacement. This challenge can be addressed by surgeons using individual patient characteristics to personalize how they perform joint replacement surgery. However, many surgeons perform too few procedures to effectively personalize their plans and thus technologies are needed to provide assistance.

The goal of this research is to develop an improved understanding of how patient specific factors affect the results of joint replacement as well as to develop technologies that can collect data about each patient’s individual characteristics and use these data to assist surgeons in optimally planning each surgery. This will be achieved by a combination of computer-based biomechanical research, statistical modelling, and novel sensor development. This work will improve our understanding of personalized joint replacement, yield new clinical technologies, enable surgeons to more effectively personalize surgery, result in improved patient function, and improve the health systems in BC and beyond.