- Provincial, specialized services for adults with complex mental health and substance use issues, and those with developmental disability and mental health issues. Our Adult Mental Health and Substance Use program includes the Red Fish Healing Centre, Heartwood Centre for Women, and the Provincial Assessment Centre.
- Forensic Psychiatric Services for people with mental health and substance use challenges for those: who have been remanded by the court for fitness assessment or treatment further to being designated as Not Criminally Responsible due to a Mental Disorder (NCRMD); who have been transferred for involuntary treatment from the provincial correctional system; or who are under community orders to attend treatment. FPS includes a 190-bed secure hospital and seven regional clinics.
- Health, mental health, and substance use services for people who are incarcerated in provincial correctional facilities. Correctional Health Services provides health care services to approximately 18,000 people annually across ten provincial correctional centres across BC.
Partner Award Type: Research Trainee
Health Quality BC
Health Quality BC provides system-wide leadership to efforts designed to improve the quality of health care in British Columbia. Through collaborative partnerships with health authorities, patients, and those working within the health care system, we promote and inform a provincially-coordinated, patient-centered approach to quality. Health Quality BC delivers the latest knowledge from home and abroad to champion and support high-quality care for every person in BC. This system-wide impact requires creativity, innovative thinking and evidence-informed strategies to shift culture, improve clinical practice and accelerate health care partners’ improvement efforts.
Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation and Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Health Aging
The Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging is an interdisciplinary group of faculty, trainees and staff at UBC who seek to harness the science of healthy again to help people remain healthy, happy and active longer into old age. The program was initiated by a generous donation from Dr. Edwin S.H. Leong and the Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation.
Alzheimer Society of B.C.
The Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s vision is a world without dementia, and that world begins with a society were people affected by dementia are welcome, supported and included. Active in communities across the province, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. supports, educates and advocates for people affected by dementia while championing research on risk reduction, diagnosis, care and support. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. also advocates for the inclusion of historically underrepresented people and experiences in research and for research that addresses cultural diversity. As part of a national federation, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is recognized as a leading authority on dementia in Canada. Learn more at alzheimerbc.org.
Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer Research Foundation
We’re CLEAR Foundation, or Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer Research Foundation, because that’s exactly what we are. We’re on a mission to eradicate all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer disease.
A tidal wave of dementia diagnoses is on the horizon, and the best way to spare future generations the devastation of this disease is to get rid of it once and for all. And the only way to do that is through research. CLEAR is the only Canadian foundation that directs 100% of funds raised to promising scientific research into the cause, prevention, and treatment of Alzheimer Disease and other dementias.
The research we fund with Michael Smith Health Research BC could lead to the breakthrough the world has been waiting for, here in Canada or somewhere else in the world. In the global fight against this unforgiving disease, we’re all in this together.
Note: CLEAR Foundation was formerly known as the Pacific Alzheimer Research Foundation (PARF).
Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia
The Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia is a registered charity that supports people who are affected by celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and other gluten-related conditions.
Celiac Disease (CD) is a genetic, multi-system, autoimmune disorder where the body reacts to gluten and other prolamines in wheat (e.g. durum, kamut, spelt), rye and barley. Gluten consumption causes damage to the absorptive surface of the small intestine and can result in malnutrition, anemia, nutritional deficiencies and an increased risk of other autoimmune diseases and some cancers of the gut.
Our four priorities are: Promote Evidence Based Solutions; Strengthen Standards; Increase Awareness and Education; and Ensure Financial Sustainability.
Parkinson Society of British Columbia
Parkinson Society British Columbia is the voice of British Columbians living with Parkinson’s. Its purpose is to ease the burden and find a cure for Parkinson’s disease through advocacy, education, research and support services. The Society is part of a strong community united in its dedication to improve the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s.
Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute
Founded in 1991, Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute (PPRI) was formed with an eye firmly on a future without Parkinson’s.
PPRI is a “no frills” volunteer organization focused on funding research into the causes, complications, treatments and cure of Parkinson’s disease.
PPRI funds research exclusively at Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre (PPRC), a leading clinical research facility located at the University of British Columbia. This enables it to have the greatest impact in making promising projects happen. PPRI support funds the full-time employment and research projects of top Parkinson’s research scientists and has provided the opportunity to support scientists in further pursuing key areas of study.
BC Schizophrenia Society Foundation
The BC Schizophrenia Society Foundation raises funds for schizophrenia research and the programs and services offered by BC Schizophrenia Society. The Society’s mission is to support families affected by schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses in British Columbia through education, advocacy and research. The Foundation is committed to ensuring that research into schizophrenia and related disorders continues in British Columbia. Learn more at http://www.bcss.org and at https://bcssfoundation.org.