Broadening the circle: BC SUPPORT Unit provincial team build a shared vision

8 July 2022

BC SUPPORT Unit team members gathered in Vancouver on June 28 and 29 from all parts of the province. For some, it was the first time meeting in person, and for others it was a reunion with cherished colleagues.

The goal of the meeting was to develop a collective vision for patient-oriented research in BC. Building on the success of the first five years, The BC SUPPORT Unit recently received an additional five years of funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. This is in addition to funding support from the Ministry of Health. Team members contributed their ideas for collaborative work that engages patients and improves health care.

Harley Eagle, Indigenous cultural safety facilitator, opened the meeting by exploring shared values. Harley offered a safe space for generative discussions among the group.

Teams from the Island, Interior, North, Fraser and Vancouver presented their workplans. Leads from the BC Ministry of Health provided insight into the mandate latter for health authorities. Patient partners also conveyed their vision for inclusive health research. The BC Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research offered new perspectives on data ownership, control, access and possession, and Indigenous ways of knowing. All of the reflections and conversations were captured in graphic recordings.

Together, participants reflected on past lessons and began to generate a shared provincial model based in transparency, trust, generosity and sustainability.

In the coming weeks, the provincial team will continue to refine this vision to improve health systems for all people in BC.

View the graphic recordings