FAQ – Reviewers for the 2022 Health Professional – Investigator Program

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible if you:

  • Reside in B.C.
  • Have English proficiency
  • Are aged 19 years or older


AND you have:

  • Been a patient, public or community partner on a health research team in the last three years
  • Experience in the last five years as a reviewer for a health research funding program
  • Knowledge of the ways that patient, public or community partners may engage in health research
  • Appreciation of the principles of inclusive, respectful, supportive and collaborative partner engagement in health research

Who may not be eligible?

Determined on an individual basis, you may not be eligible if you are currently engaged as a patient, public or community partner:

  • In the 2022 HP-I program
  • With a 2022 HP-I applicant
  • Supporting BC SUPPORT Unit governance or other operational decision-making activities provincially or regionally

What will be involved?

This opportunity will require up to 36 hours of your time from mid September to early December 2022. During this time period you must be able to participate in the following activities:

  • September 12 to October 14, 2022: Attend 2, 2-hour virtual training sessions [4 hours, doodle poll scheduled]; Complete a mock review of 1 application, with mentorship [4 hours, own time].
  • October 17 to December 2, 2022: Complete initial review for up to 4 applications [approximately 16 hours at 4 hours per application on your own time]; Prepare for and attend two virtual, 2-hour, reviewer committee meetings (week of Nov 21-25, 2022) [6 hours]; Complete final reviews [6 hours on your own time]

What will reviewers be reviewing?

Each reviewer will be reviewing up to four (4) 2022 HP-I applicant proposals.  The reviewers will provide comments on the readability and understandability of the lay summary, consider the importance, relevance and feasibility of the proposed work, and provide feedback on any partner engagement activities outlined in the application. Reviewers will also provide recommendations for how patient, public, and community partner engagement could be further incorporated into the proposed research.  [Download the reviewer criteria here]



Will I receive training and compensation?

  • All reviewers will be provided the necessary training and supports to ensure they are prepared for and able to complete the reviews in the timelines required.  This will include virtual group training sessions, an opportunity to complete one mock application review with mentorship and other individualized training and supports (as needed).
  • All reviewers will be fairly compensated for their time and expertise.  The honoraria offered will reflect the significant time commitment and level of experience and expertise required of the reviewers.
  • Reviewers will be free to withdraw from this opportunity at any time without any repercussions.

How will reviewers be selected and notified?

A patient, public and community reviewer selection committee will review all eligible applications. The committee will include representatives from the BC SUPPORT Unit staff and Patient Leadership Council, as well as representatives from the 2022 HP-I program.

The committee review will occur on or about Thursday, September 8, 2022.  The top ranked applicants will be invited to participate as reviewers.  All eligible applicants will be notified of the results of the selection no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2022.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in applying for this opportunity fill in a brief online survey.

Apply now

You will be contacted for further discussions if you are eligible.

Applications will be accepted up to 11:59 pm on September 7, 2022.  Late applications will not be accepted.