Development of potential therapeutics for influenza via sialidase inactivators

Influenza is a severe infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs each year, affecting approximately 20 per cent of the world’s population. Although vaccination is the primary prevention strategy, a number of scenarios exist for which vaccination is insufficient and for which the development of new antiviral agents would be extremely important. Two classes of drugs are available for controlling the spread of influenza. Amatidines work by blocking the ion channel function of the viral M2 protein. However, these drugs are only effective against influenza A virus and have substantial side effects. The other class of therapeutics, sialidase inhibitors, includes enzyme inhibitors Relenza and Tamiflu. However, influenza viruses are developing resistance to both inhibitors. One solution to the problem of viruses becoming resistant is to use several drugs at once (a drug cocktail), making it more difficult for the virus to develop resistance to all of them. Another solution, which could be used in concert, is to design new inhibitors that are less likely to induce viruses to mutate and develop resistance. This is the goal of Dr. Jin Hyo Kim’s research.

Development and evaluation of a novel group educational intervention to promote partner support for people with rheumatoid arthritis

In addition to the many physical challenges that arise from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), related problems with pain, fatigue, sleep and depression can affect quality of family relationships, work and hobbies. Although current drug treatments for RA can improve symptoms in some people, there is still a great need for other types of help to make peoples’ lives better. Research has shown that good social support from family can result in better wellbeing, pain reduction and improved quality of life. With other types of arthritis, education programs have resulted in better coping among arthritis sufferers and their partners. However, there is no similar program specifically for people with RA. Dr. Allen Lehman’s study is the first to create and test a program to improve social support for people with RA and their partners. He will develop the program by conducting consultations with people with RA, their partners and couples together. Groups will discuss challenges and successes in getting support, what kinds of support work and what is not helpful. The program will then be piloted with 30 couples. This study aims help couples better understand the disease and learn more about what one can and cannot do to be supportive. Because social support predicts good health, the program could also be applied to people with other types of arthritis and chronic disease.

Biomechanical energy harvesting

Electronic medical devices such as vital sign monitors, pacemakers and motorized prostheses are relied upon by people with disabilities, the elderly and others. However, all of these mobile devices are powered by batteries, which have limited energy storage, and add additional weight to the devices. Although substantial progress has been made in enhancing battery capacity, power requirements for the mobile devices are increasing faster than the improvements made in battery performance. Human power is an attractive energy source because of the ability for humans to convert food into mechanical power and the high mechanical power outputs attainable by humans. Human power is portable, environmentally friendly, and readily available for power-consuming applications that involve direct human use, such as prostheses. Qingguo Li is part of an SFU research team who has developed a biomechanical energy harvester (BEH) that converts mechanical energy extracted from human movement into electrical energy. Resembling a leg brace, the BEH works by acquiring the mechanical power produced by muscles at the knee joint when the user is walking. The technology is similar to regenerative braking in hybrid gas-electric automobiles; instead of dispersing mechanical energy as heat using conventional brakes, the energy is converted into electrical energy. Li’s goal is to develop a family of energy harvesting devices that can be worn on the body, inserted into motorized prostheses or permanently implanted within the body.

Structural basis of the glycerol-phosphate and the ribitol-phosphate chain polymerization in teichoic acid biosynthesis in rram-positive bacteria

One way of classifying bacteria is by their colour after applying a chemical stain (called the Gram stain). Some bacteria stain blue (Gram-positive), while others stain pink (Gram-negative). Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria produce different kinds of infections. Worldwide, more than half of infections treated in hospital involve Gram-positive bacteria. These include Staph infections caused by Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, as well as Strep throat and toxic shock syndrome caused by Streptococcus bacteria. Many Gram-positive bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are becoming resistant to antibiotics. The cell wall of all Gram-positive bacteria contains about 50 percent of teichoic acids, a diverse group of polymers (long-chain molecules). Dr. Leo Lin is investigating whether two common teichoic acids help these bacteria adhere to host cells in humans or even to the synthetic coatings of transplanted medical devices, such as pacemakers. For many bacteria, the ability to attach to the surface of a host cell is an essential first step in the infection process. Dr. Lin will determine the three-dimensional structure of the enzymes that synthesize these teichoic acid polymers using x-ray crystallography, a technique that can deduce the atomic structure of molecules. A lack of teichoic acid significantly destabilizes the bacterial cell wall. Dr. Lin is looking for ways in which this information can be used to develop ways of interfering with the ability of bacteria to attach to host cell surfaces as a first line of defense in protecting against the establishment of bacterial infections.

Molecular mechanisms of retrograde transport

A single human cell is made up of many small organelles (compartments). Through a process known as vesicle transport, proteins and lipids move from one compartment to another to support and maintain cell function. Motor nerve cell diseases are progressive disorders involving the nerve cells responsible for carrying impulses that instruct the muscles in the upper and lower body to move. Abnormal vesicle transport causes a family of these devastating diseases, including Lou Gehrig’s disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS). Abnormal vesicle transport has also been found in Alzheimer’s, Down syndrome, and Neimann-Pick C disease, suggesting that these abnormalities also play a role in the development of these diseases. To better understand these diseases and hopefully lead to improved treatments, Dr. Benjamen Montpetit is focusing his research on determining how vesicle transport works. Montpetit, who received MSFHR trainee awards in 2002 and 2006 in support of his PhD research, is studying the process in yeast with the aid of robotic-based systems. Yeast makes an excellent model for his research because the yeast genome has been fully sequenced and, therefore, its genetic code is known.

Interomics: System-wide proteomic discovery of interactors and substrates of proteases

A protease is an enzyme that can split a protein into peptides. Alterations in normal protease expression are known to be involved in the development of cancer, arthritis and various lung, neurological and cardiovascular diseases. As a result, many proteases and their substrates are an important focus of attention as potential drug targets. Among proteases, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are responsible for the proteolytic modification of the extracellular matrix, a complex network of polysaccharides and proteins secreted by cells that serves as a structural element in tissues and also influences their development and physiology. While more is being learned about the multiple functions of MMPs –, many of which are beneficial – their roles and biological functions are not fully understood. David Rodriguez’s research seeks to unravel the complex web of connections among MMPs, their natural substrates, inhibitors and other proteases. He is using a technique known as Mass Spectrometry to detect and identify hundreds, even thousands, of proteins in a sample. By identifying and describing the complex set of signaling pathways in which MMPs are involved, Rodriguez is hoping to better understand the role of these proteases and to predict the consequences when they function abnormally. Such knowledge is critical for designing more effective drugs to treat diseases which result from abnormal protease function.

Regulation of lymphocyte activation and proliferation and synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines by the Caprin-1/G3BP-1 heteromeric complex

To fend off infections, our immune system has evolved effective strategies. These include rapidly increasing the number of infection fighting immune cells, including cytokines that promote an inflammatory response to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents. The key to the effectiveness of this strategy is striking a balance between creating an inflammatory response sufficient to destroy the infectious agents without causing severe damage to the surrounding tissues. In some cases, poorly controlled or misdirected immune responses cause long term damage and disease, including arthritis and asthma. Samuel Solomon is studying how the body regulates the immune response, in particular the role of RNA binding proteins such as Caprin-1 and G3BP-1 in the process. Caprin-1 and G3BP-1 are thought to be key players in the signaling process, which controls the action of inflammatory cytokines. Solomon is studying how they affect the production of cytokines and what are the effects when these proteins are absent or functioning abnormally. This research will contribute to our understanding of immune function, which could lead to the design of novel, better and more effective cures for infections and auto-immune diseases.

SPARC in the repair of the central nervous system

Spinal cord injury mostly occurs in young people, causing debilitating, lifelong disability. Stroke mostly occurs in older people, and is a leading cause of disability in the elderly. In both cases, recovering function relies on the ability of the central nervous system (CNS) to rewire itself. But the CNS isn’t very supportive of the integral processes required for rewiring to occur. Rewiring requires nerve cells to sprout new fibres (called axons) and subsequently make new connections in the spinal cord by bypassing the damaged area. Rewiring also relies on the birth of new cells that must migrate to the injury site and replace cells that died as a result of the injury. Finally, new blood vessels must also grow back into the damaged area to sustain the regeneration of the new tissue. Each of these processes is controlled by the “extracellular matrix,” the environment surrounding cells. Dr. Adele Vincent is examining how this matrix can be manipulated to improve repair processes in the central nervous system. She is investigating whether SPARC, a protein that regulates interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix, can be used to promote recovery after stroke. Dr. Vincent is studying the role of SPARC in regulating processes that impact on nerve regeneration after injury, such as neural stem cells, new blood vessel formation, and the inflammatory response. Ultimately, these findings could lead to more effective therapies to stimulate regeneration following traumatic injuries, stroke and neurodegenerative diseases.

Mechanical stress: an unexplored factor in regulation of cell signaling in DCIS and early breast cancer progression

Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women in Canada. Deaths caused by invasive breast cancer that metastasizes (spreads to other parts of the body) are mostly preceded by a pre-invasive stage of the disease called ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS). This early stage is the ideal target in prevention of invasive breast cancer. Research has confirmed that features of the molecular activity of normal wound healing may play an important role in the spread of cancer from one area of the body to another. As cancer develops within any organ there is disruption of normal tissue. This disruption is like a wound and the response is like a scar. This process results in new mechanical forces within the tissue that act like a stress on tumor cells and have the potential to strongly influence a large number of cellular processes associated with tumor growth and invasion. Dr. Jiaxu Wang is researching the role of mechanical stress on cancer cells. He is investigating which genes are altered by mechanical stress in breast cancer cells. Wang is also identifying genes that are specifically altered by mechanical stress but not by other forms of stress that are known to exist in cancer tissues, such as lack of oxygen, to determine if these genes can be used to measure mechanical stress in DCIS lesions. The research will contribute to a better understanding of the specific role of mechanical stress in breast cancer progression. Wang’s ultimate goal is to develop markers that can predict or provide targets for therapy to improve outcomes for women with pre-invasive and early breast cancer.

Effects of Prenatal Psychotropic Medication Exposure on Critical Periods of Language Development

Psychotropic medications like benzodiazepines (tranquilizers used to control anxiety) and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants used to treat depression) are frequently prescribed during pregnancy to manage depression and anxiety, even though these drugs have not been approved for this purpose, and the impact on infant development is unclear. These drugs increase the activity of certain chemicals in the brain that inhibit nerve cell activity. Whitney Weikum is expanding on her earlier MSFHR-funded research on language development in infants. Now Weikum is studying the effects of prenatal exposure to psychotropic drugs on critical periods of infant language development. During the first years of life, infants rapidly and almost effortlessly acquire language. There appear to be a number of discrete periods critical for acquiring language information. At birth, infants have the ability to discriminate almost all the distinctive sounds from the world’s languages. Weikum is testing infants’ responses to different language sounds at 36 weeks gestation, as newborns, and during the first year to learn whether psychotropic drugs affect cognitive and language development. The results will be compared to women who experienced depression, but did not take medication, to determine the impact of depression alone on infants’ language development. The goal is to help women and physicians make informed decisions about whether to use psychotropic medications during pregnancy.