Targeting Lung Cancer Genomics: A Whole Genome Approach to Predicting Drug Response

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, with five-year survival rates among the lowest for commonly diagnosed cancers. The high mortality rate is partially due to the lack of effective treatment options since surgery and chemotherapy are common options, yet non-curative. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene is overexpressed in a majority of lung cancers. Researchers recently discovered a new drug designed to target the product of this gene. Although the drug didn’t benefit the majority of patients, a positive response was often seen in non-smoking women of Asian descent. At the BC Cancer Research Centre, Trevor Pugh is researching why this drug works for this subgroup and not for other patients. Using tumour samples and patient outcomes data, he is searching across the entire genome to pinpoint specific genetic features shared by drug-responsive tumours in patients with lung cancer. Ultimately, his work could result in improved diagnostic tests for predicting who will benefit from specific therapies, and new candidates for gene-targeted cancer drugs.

Characterization of retrograde transport machinery and its relationship to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using the yeast model system

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a rapidly progressive motor neuron disease that causes paralysis and is ultimately fatal. In ALS, motor neurons (nerve cells) are impaired and eventually die. This process breaks the connection between voluntary muscles, which individuals control, and the brain. Other types of brain cells are unaffected, which means patients become paralyzed but their cognitive abilities remain intact. Specialized transport proteins carry survival signals from one end of the neuron to the other. In a mouse model of ALS, the cause of motor neuron disease was found to be due to a mutation in the Vps54 transport protein. In all types of cells, material is transported in a specialized container called a vesicle. In her research, Nicole Quenneville has found that a particular region of the Vps54 transport protein is involved in recognizing the surface of vesicles. It’s this region that is mutated in the mouse model of ALS, suggesting that faulty recognition and transport of these vesicles may lead to motor neuron disease. Using a yeast model, Quenneville is further investigating whether the Vps54 mutation causes transport defects, and whether the mutation changes the interactions that the Vps54 protein has with other proteins. As well, she aims to identify genes and proteins that work with Vps54 to transport molecules within the cell. Quenneville hopes her research will help identify candidate genes for novel therapies, diagnosis, and assessment of susceptibility to ALS.

Development of Fluorinated Carbohydrates for use as Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agents and Pharmacological Chaperones in the Treatment of Lysosomal storage diseases

Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSD) are a rare group of more than 40 disorders, including conditions such as Gauchers and Tay Sachs disease, in which a genetic abnormality leads to the buildup of naturally occurring compounds throughout the body. This process may lead to a variety of symptoms including skeletal defects, heart problems, mental retardation, and death. The diseases can be treated by enzyme replacement therapy, in which a missing enzyme is injected into the bloodstream so it can move into cells to alleviate the buildup of these compounds. However, the therapy is extremely expensive and cannot be used to alleviate neurological symptoms. Brian Rempel is developing imaging agents for Positron Emission Tomography (PET), a highly specialized technology that produces powerful images of the body’s biological function. Using PET with enzyme replacement therapy would enable imaging of an injected enzyme and tailoring of the dose to the individual patient, which could reduce the costs of the therapy. As well, PET imaging would allow for a better understanding of how the enzyme is distributed throughout the body. Rempel is also investigating the development of pharmacological chaperones, molecules that bind to the mutant enzyme that is deficient in LSD patients. The molecules help the enzyme migrate to the correct cellular compartment where it can function normally, with the aim of enhancing the patient’s own naturally occurring enzyme levels. Pharmacological chaperones would be a fraction of the cost of enzyme replacement therapy.

Regulatory mechanisms of the anti-apoptotic NAIP gene during cellular stress and malignancy

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a critical physiological process that is turned on and off as appropriate to eliminate abnormal cells. When this switching process goes awry, it can lead to a variety of diseases including cancer. The genetic mechanisms that inhibit activation of the apoptosis protein (IAP) family include molecules that sequester key enzymes necessary for turning on and sustaining the process of programmed cell death. Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) is particularly interesting because expression of NAIP is reported to be highly elevated in various leukemias. In addition, NAIP is commonly deleted in the most severe cases of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and studies also have shown that a specific copy of this gene is required to suppress replication of the bacterial pathogen that causes Legionnaire’s disease. Researchers have also proposed that expression of NAIP in neurons of patients with Alzheimer’s disease can limit the high levels of cell death. Mark Romanish is studying the expression and regulation of NAIP to better understand its role and function in health and disease. Apoptosis is a highly regulated process receiving many activating and inhibiting signals, but the final outcome relies on which signals tip the scale. Therefore, the question of gene regulation becomes particularly important since those genes capable of rapid activation are more likely to influence the ultimate fate of a cell.

Adaptive resistance to aminoglycosides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetic disorder among young children in Canada. CF affects the lungs and digestive system of almost 70,000 children and adults worldwide. A defective gene causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs leading to frequent lung infections and obstructs the pancreas stopping enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacteria commonly associated with both hospital-acquired infections and chronic lung infections in people with CF. Although these lung infections can be temporarily suppressed, they are never completely cured and are eventually fatal. Kristen Schurek is investigating how P. aeruginosa develops resistance to the class of inhaled antibiotics called aminoglycosides that are used to treat lung infections in CF patients. Schurek believes these antibiotics trigger the organism to adapt its genetic physiology causing small, incremental increases in resistance over time. As a result, the bacteria gradually develop the ability to persist in the presence of the antibiotics. She will determine how these antibiotics cause the bacteria to adapt, and which genes in P. aeruginosa contribute to antibiotic resistance. This knowledge could lead to better methods of administering antibiotics to prevent drug resistance in people with cystic fibrosis.

Acute exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury: friend or foe?

Individuals with spinal cord injury often have cardiovascular complications, such as fainting and dramatic increases in blood pressure. These conditions lead to a decrease in quality of life and significant treatment costs. Although these cardiovascular problems have been well documented, little is known about their causes following spinal cord injury. Jessica Scott’s research builds on her MSFHR-funded Master’s work that investigated whether a sudden drop in blood pressure following exercise predisposes people with high blood pressure to lose consciousness. While exercise can help reduce or reverse cardiovascular disease in people with spinal cord injury, the striking decrease in blood pressure that occurs after vigorous short-term exercise may in fact be dangerous. Loss of consciousness associated with physical exercise may be the first indication of a dangerous underlying cardiovascular condition. Scott is researching the connection between this sudden drop in blood pressure with the predisposition to lost consciousness following exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury. She aims for the research to contribute to development of an intervention program to improve post-exercise tolerance in individuals with spinal cord injury. The findings may also help in assessing post-exercise tolerance in other cardiovascular diseases such as chronic heart failure.

The role of the intestinal microbiota in host response to enteric pathogens

Many microorganisms reside in our bodies as part of normal living. For example, bacteria in the gastrointestinal system outnumber our own cells and form a stable connection with the body that persists for life. These resident bacteria are needed for parts of the digestive tract to develop and function properly. In addition, beneficial bacteria attach to the walls of the intestinal tract, preventing harmful bacteria from occupying these surfaces, and protect us from infectious diseases as a result. A lot of research has focused on disease-causing bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which are among the leading causes of gastrointestinal illness and death worldwide. Yet little is known about the role of beneficial bacteria in battling these microbes, which is the focus of Inna Sekirov’s research. She is examining what role resident bacteria play during the response of the intestinal immune system to infection and how these bacteria respond to antibiotics used to treat gastrointestinal illnesses. Findings from her research will help to establish whether drugs are likely to have a positive or adverse impact on a patient’s beneficial bacteria, and could also help inform new therapies or dietary regimes that complement or strengthen the ability of these bacteria to help the body fight infection.

The role of O-Glycosylation in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of motor neurons (specialized nerve cells) in the spinal cord, brain, and descending motor tracts. ALS leads to muscle weakness and paralysis, and is often fatal. Numerous biochemical processes have been linked to the progression of ALS, including increased levels of protein modification (phosphate units). Xiaoyang Shan is researching the role of modified sugar units, known as O-GlcNAc, in maintaining the proper functioning of neurofilaments (structural proteins) that give neurons support and shape but become damaged in ALS patients. He is also investigating the role of O-GlcNAc in maintaining healthy motor function. The findings could help increase understanding of the causes of ALS, and contribute to development of a potential treatment to slow or halt the progression of the disease.

Characterizing British Columbia’s Rural and Northern Home Support Workforce: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Workers and Their Working Lives

BC’s home support system makes an important contribution to the health and well being of the province’s most vulnerable seniors. In 2004/05, home support services were provided to more than 30,000 British Columbians. Most home support users are single senior women over the age of 75, living below the poverty line. Home support consists of personal care services (e.g., bathing, dressing, feeding) as well as basic medical care (e.g., giving medication, keeping wounds clean) provided in people's homes by trained Community Health Workers. Zena Sharman is examining the characteristics and working lives of home support workers in rural and remote BC communities, within the Vancouver Island health authority. She is also investigating factors that contribute to the recruitment and retention of Community Health Workers in rural and remote BC communities. Sharman hopes her research will help improve health services delivery in these communities, particularly in the context of the aging population and related increases in demand for home support services. She also hopes her findings can improve methods of attracting and keeping Community Health Workers.

Systems biology analysis of dynamic cellular pathways

Many diseases, including cancers and autoimmune disorders, arise from malfunctions of complex cellular processes. These processes regulate such things as the cell’s ability to grow, change cell type, and even die. Complex biomolecular networks, consisting of interacting genes and proteins, create the sophisticated information processing circuits within cells that control these biomolecular events. Inherited genetic defects, genetic mutations and some environmental cues can alter these networks to create abnormal cellular functioning leading to disease. Medicines treat and cure disease by controlling malfunctioning biomolecular networks. This requires a deep understanding of how cellular networks function and why malfunctioning networks fail. James Taylor’s research focuses on cellular signaling, the mechanism for processing external information that is the basis for a cell’s ability to sense the environment and communicate with other cells. He is studying how information signals flow through, and are processed by, signaling networks. The research is being conducted with baker’s yeast, a single cell organism that is commonly used for research involving fundamental cellular processes. Using computational, engineering and advanced experimental methods, Taylor is exploring how these networks create normal cell functionality and how changes in these networks lead to disease. By contributing to our knowledge of cellular signaling in yeast cells, this research will shed light on malfunctions of cellular processes in humans.