Studying the implementation of virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic with patient partners and stakeholders
August 19, 2022
Dr. Lillian Hung - Founder and Head, IDEA Lab; Assistant Professor, UBC
Nazia Ahmed - Lab Manager, IDEA Lab
At the beginning of the pandemic, stay-at-home orders highlighted the importance of social connection; and technology became paramount in filling the gap in bringing people together virtually. The use of technology in long term care settings continued to grow too, including using telepresence robots as part of delivering care. In this webinar, our speakers will share how to leverage technology to involve patient partners and stakeholders in knowledge translation. They will also discuss challenges and practical strategies to overcome them. You will also have the opportunity to hear more about the future directions for care delivery from Dr. Lillian Hung and Nazia Ahmed.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the process of innovating with patient partners and stakeholders to advance the use of telepresence robots in dementia care.
- Identify benefits and challenges in engaging with patient partners and stakeholders in implementation research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Consider facilitators and barriers to implementing virtual care in aged care settings.
- Describe future directions for supporting technology adoption in aged care settings.
Stay tuned…
Check back soon for details of future webinars