Using linked administrative data to understand the interacting effects of school readiness, family, neighbourhood and school characteristics on children's early academic achievement – enhancing the to 

There is a strong relationship between education and health. People with lower levels of education demonstrate poorer health, higher rates of health risk behaviours, lower rates of preventive health care use, and higher rates of early mortality. Thus, one important approach for reducing disparities in health is to enhance children’s opportunities for academic success. School readiness is the term used to describe a child’s preparedness at age five or six to take advantage of the learning opportunities offered in school. Encompassing physical well-being, motor development, emotional health, social competence, language skills, general knowledge, and cognitive skills, readiness to learn at school entry has shown a strong association with later academic performance. Dr. Susan Dahinten is determining the extent to which children’s academic success in Grade Four can be predicted by their school readiness in kindergarten, before and after accounting for other individual, family, neighbourhood, and school characteristics that may influence their development. The sample for this study includes BC children for whom school readiness was measured at kindergarten between 2000 and 2002. By anonymously linking this data with data from BC’s education database, and with census data describing the children’s neighbourhoods, she is investigating whether, and why, some schools may be more or less successful at reducing inequalities among students of different backgrounds.

Synaptic protein dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders: The role of PDS-95 and neuroligin in Fragile X syndrome and autism

It is known that neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fragile-X Syndrome and autism have a strong genetic basis, yet the genes involved have not been clearly identified. Both disorders exhibit patterns indicative of abnormal or halted synaptic development (formation of the junction between neurons). Research indicates that these synaptic abnormalities may be the underlying neurological cause of these disorders. Genetic analyses of individuals with Fragile-x and autism revealed genes, and their proteins, thought to be involved in synapse formation and maintenance but the exact neurological mechanisms that lead to these diseases remain unknown. Rochelle Bruneau aims to clarify the role of the specific proteins involved in synapse development, testing for their implication in Fragile-X Syndrome and autism. She will study proteins involved in both the formation and function of synapses and hopes to examine potential therapeutic proteins for reducing the severity or preventing the onset of symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Nuclear import of minute virus of mice

A technology that shows great promise in treating human disease is the use of viruses as vectors (or carriers) to insert and replicate new genetic material into the genome of a diseased cell. Parvoviruses are suitable candidates for use as vectors, including the parvovirus known as MVM (minute virus of mice). These viruses have been successfully tested in many preclinical models of human diseases, including cancer. As part of its replication cycle, the genome of MVM must enter the nucleus of its host cell. How MVM accomplishes this is unknown, but studies suggest that the way it breaches the nuclear membrane is unlike that of any other known virus. Sarah Cohen is using electron microscopy, combined with biochemical and genetic approaches, to investigate the mechanisms employed by MVM to enter the nucleus of a host cell. Gaining a more developed understanding of these entry mechanisms will aid in the development of MVM as a therapeutic vector, helping to bring MVM-based vectors into clinical trials. A successful vector for gene therapy could ultimately deliver healthy genes to patients for the treatment of a wide variety of genetic diseases.

Chemokine processing by matrix metalloproteinases

Chemokines are small proteins that direct the migration of white blood cells (including T cells) in the body. This process is very important in mounting an immune response against invading pathogens. Chemokine function is known to be implicated in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and graft versus host disease, and has recently been linked to the ability of cancer to spread from one part of the body to others. Jennifer Cox is investigating the ability of a family of proteases to process and alter chemokine activity. Focusing on a group known as matrix metalloproteinases, she has uncovered that one of these proteases cleaves specific chemokines, altering their ability to induce the migration of T cells. Now, she hopes to use mouse models to prove that this interaction is relevant in the body. These studies will result in a better understanding of immune regulation at a molecular level and could have implications for the prevention of cancer spread and the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Global versus local processing in Balint's Syndrome

Balint’s syndrome is a rare disorder usually caused by brain injury to both sides of the parietal lobe following a stroke. This region of the brain is involved in cognition, information processing, spatial orientation, and sensations of pain and touch. People with Balint’s are unable to pay attention to more than one object at a time, experience spatial difficulty locating objects, and have trouble accurately reaching for objects. While there is a lack of research into these complex symptoms, preliminary research suggests these patients focus on the “local” elements of an object, instead of the “global” whole. For example, they may not see 🙂 as a smiling happy-face icon, but as a colon, dash or bracket. Kirsten Dalrymple is studying how Balint’s patients perceive objects by presenting them with stimuli such as the happy-face icon that can be perceived globally or locally. This research could result in rehabilitation strategies to improve patients’ ability to perceive everyday objects as others perceive them, which will improve their quality of life and ability to function normally.

In vivo imaging of activity-dependent synaptogenic events between dynamic axonal and dendritic filopodia within the developing brain- Connections to the development of schizophrenia and highly common 

Mounting evidence suggests that many common neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, autism, and epilepsy, originate from abnormal brain circuit formation and neuron (nerve cell) growth during early development. An increasing number of studies show that in addition to genes, conditions in our surroundings can influence neuron development during early life and in later years. One important contributor to abnormal neuron growth may be altered levels of glutamate (the primary neurotransmitter that nerve cells use to send signals across synapses) and its neurotransmitting capabilities – called glutamatergic synaptic transmission. For example, a reduced glutamatergic transmission has been associated with schizophrenia and an increased level with neonatal seizures. Derek Dunfield is investigating how neurons connect with each other and how activity influences those connections during development. Specifically he is measuring the influence of glutamatergic transmission on dynamic brain circuit growth. Derek is examining real-time imaging of neurons during development using a relatively new imaging technique called two-photon microscopy and a labeling technique called single-cell electroporation. This allows him to label single neurons with different colours and watch how they interact together as they grow. Derek hopes this research will lead to better treatment and diagnosis for disabling brain disorders.

The role of the Rap GTPases and Pyk2 Protein Tyrosine Kinase in cell migration

Chemokines are small proteins that direct the migration of immune cells into and within the body’s immune system. These include B cells that become activated and mediate an immune response to infectious agents (antigens) that cause disease. Dr. Michael Gold’s laboratory is interested in understanding the function of the protein Rap1, a GTPase that is activated by binding to the nucleotide GTP. Dr. Gold’s lab has shown that Rap activation is involved in B cell migration towards certain chemokines. More recently, their research has indicated that Rap regulates the activation of Pyk2, a protein known to be required for B cell migration. As a trainee in Dr. Gold’s lab, Caylib Durand is studying how chemokine-induced signaling causes B lymphocytes and other immune cells to migrate, and how chemokine-mediated signaling activates Rap1 and Pyk2. His goal is to identify key signaling pathways that coordinate the events required for cell migration. Ultimately, Caylib’s work may indicate that Rap and Pyk2 might be good targets for drugs to regulate inflammation and immune responses.

Bioengineering for the production of cells with islet function to treat Diabetes

A significant breakthrough in diabetes research occurred in 2000, when an Edmonton research group developed a protocol for transplanting insulin-producing cells from human donors into patients with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. More than 100 successful islet transplantations have been performed worldwide, bringing realistic hope for a cure to diabetes. Since two donors on average are required to acquire sufficient islets to treat one patient, a shortage of donor islets remains a significant obstacle for widespread use of transplantation. There is a great demand for alternative sources of these cells, such as cells derived from adult stem cells produced in the laboratory. Ideally, cells would be taken from a patient. From these, the appropriate stem cells would be isolated then cultivated to produce a supply of islet cells for transplantation back into the patient. Before this can be achieved, however, researchers must optimize techniques for increasing the numbers of pancreatic islet cells that can be produced in this fashion. Corinne Hoesli’s research focuses on duct cells, which are believed to be the precursors of insulin-producing islet cells. She is working both to determine the best ways to grow these cells in-vitro and how to translate these protocols to support larger scale production. As process optimization and scale-up are typical engineering issues, she hopes that applying engineering approaches to this field of health research will help overcome the bottleneck of tissue shortage for islet transplantations.

Antiarrhythmic drug effects on sodium channel slow-type inactivation – investigation of interactions at the selectivity filter

The selective passage of ions through channels in cellular membranes provides the molecular basis for many cellular processes. This includes control of the initial phase of depolarizations that lead to contraction of the heart. Upon initiation of contraction, sodium ion channels open briefly, and then are inactivated by a portion of the protein that “”plugs”” the channel pore, preventing further ion passage. Recently, a much slower form of channel inactivation has been discovered, which researchers believe is controlled by a separate, co-existing mechanism. One theory suggests that slow inactivation occurs when the protein components responsible for the selective passage of sodium ions constrict, causing complete occlusion of the pore during periods of prolonged or rapid openings. Certain drug classes work by blocking sodium channels, such as local anesthetics and a sub-class of anti-arrhythmic drugs, both of which can be used to treat an irregular heartbeat. There is limited understanding of how these drugs affect, or are affected by, the slow inactivation process.

GIS and tobacco research: Understanding impact of tobacco industry promotional activities on youth smoking behaviour

Smoking is the major cause of preventable death in Canada, accounting for more than 45,000 premature deaths per year and 30 per cent of all cancer deaths. Most smokers begin to smoke as teenagers, and tobacco advertising and promotion are among the main motivators for tobacco use, especially in youth. Currently, tobacco companies are spending the majority of their marketing dollars in retail stores, compared to any other advertising venue. Since most teenagers shop at convenience stores at least once a week, adolescents are routinely exposed to tobacco advertising. Little research has examined the extent and impact of these “Point of Purchase” (POP) activities in Canada. Helen Hsu is studying the links between smoking prevalence among youth and environmental influences, including POP advertising, pricing, signage and retail locations. She is using Geographic Information System technology to gather and analyze social-demographic, economic and geographic information. Her work could help explain the impact of tobacco industry activities on adolescent tobacco use across Canada, and provide insight into the effectiveness of tobacco control strategies in schools and communities. This information will be useful for setting public health policies and developing tobacco control programs.