Dendritic cells in autoimmunity and cancer

Dendritic cells play a vital role in regulating the immune response. They are the only cells capable of activating T cells that have not previously been exposed to a particular antigen (immune threat) to recognize and mount an attack on these foreign proteins. This process ensures an appropriate immune response against potentially harmful antigens. Dendritic cells are also thought to have the ability to instruct the immune system to ignore certain antigens, establishing a state of immune tolerance in the body. When the balance between immune activation and immune tolerance is disrupted, the result may be the development of autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks body tissue or cancer in which tumour cell growth goes unchecked. Dr. Cheryl Helgason is studying the biology of dendritic cells and the mechanisms by which they interact with T cells to activate an immune response or to establish immune tolerance. Such research could suggest ways of manipulating immune function to develop new methods of treating cancers, autoimmunity and other diseases involving immune dysfunction.

Bioinformatic approaches to cancer research

Genes – the functional units of DNA – are involved in all aspects of normal human development and human disease. Although most cells have a core set of active genes, selective activation of other genes is necessary to produce different types of specialized cells, such as muscle cells, nerve cells and skin cells. Malfunction in the normal pattern of gene activation is implicated in many diseases, including cancer. Dr. Jones uses sophisticated computational techniques to analyze the activation of genes involved in the formation and development of mammalian organs and tissues and to explore genes that are activated in specific cell types such as muscle and neural cells. His goal is to develop software that will allow researchers to predict the behaviour of genes by indicating when they are switched “on” or “off”. Besides improved understanding of normal growth and development, this research will help clarify the changes in activation patterns that give rise to cancer, potentially leading to new ways of detecting cancer risk and the earliest stages of cancer onset.

RNA expression profiles of ABC transporters in fetal liver and acute myeloid leukemia side population stem cells

Stem cells have the unique ability to develop into different types of tissue cells in the human body, and are often involved in the onset of cancer, especially leukemia. Like other cells in the body, stem cells activate a diverse family of proteins that pump different substances in and out of cells, called ABC transporters. In normal cells, these proteins pump toxic substances out and useful ones in. But some of these proteins also pump anti-cancer drugs out of cancer cells, causing the treatment to fail. Maria Ho is researching how ABC transporters in stem cells can cause drug resistance in leukemia. Maria is measuring the level of ABC transporters in chemo-refractory and responsive leukemic stem cells to determine which transporters are required for normal functions and which ones are related to cancer. This research will help explain the course of the disease and lead to more effective cancer treatments to target the transporters involved in leukemia.

Identification of novel apoptosis-related genes and pathways in cancers using bioinformatics approaches

Programmed cell death occurs when cells respond to internal or external signals by initiating a process that results in their own death. While this process is necessary for the normal development of organisms, errors in the process can cause diseases such as cancer or neurodegenerative illnesses. Erin Pleasance is working to identify new genes that are expressed (activated) in programmed cell death and determine their role in diseases such as cancer. Using specialized equipment at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre, she is studying the fruit fly to find genes whose role in cell death has not yet been defined. The fruit fly is a useful model because the proteins and mechanisms involved in its cell death correspond to those in mammals and can be used to help identify cancer-causing genes in humans. Learning how to inhibit genes that prevent cell death may lead to the development of new anti-cancer drugs that stop cell growth.

Bioinformatic and functional analysis of retroelements involved in the regulation of human genes

Josette-Renée Landry is bringing both computer science and traditional molecular biology techniques to her research into the function of repetitive DNA sequences in the human genome (full collection of human genes). The Human Genome Project, completed in February 2001, revealed that more than 40 per cent of the human genome consists of repetitive sequences whose function remains largely unknown. Studies have suggested that some of these repeats, called retroelements, can influence how genes are expressed (turned on and off). Josette-Renée is working to further understanding of the function of retroelements by searching for repeats that appear to be involved in regulation of human genes. She will then use laboratory techniques to determine how these elements are involved in gene expression. Her work could lead to the discovery of important new gene regulatory factors. Since many genetic disorders result from aberrant gene regulation, the identification of retroelements that play a role in normal gene expression may provide insight into how regulatory mechanisms are altered in diseases such as cancer.

Identification of new targets for the treatment of androgen-independent Prostate Cancer

Current treatments for advanced prostate cancer eliminate the growth-promoting effects of androgens such as testosterone. Unfortunately, while this treatment is initially effective in reducing prostate growth, the usual outcome is an untreatable form of prostate cancer where the cancer becomes androgen-independent (grows without androgens). Steven Quayle is working to isolate the different genes that are expressed (activated) at different hormonal stages of prostate cancer. He is using a technique where prostate cancer cells grown in hollow fibres progress to androgen-independence in a controlled, reproducible manner. This will allow Steven to confirm the changes in gene expression that consistently occur with disease progression, and study in more detail the role of particular genes. These genes may be useful as indicators of disease progression, as well as potential targets for treatment.

Identification of critical gene regulatory domains using bioinformatics and comparative genomics

Over the last ten years, researchers have identified all the genes in our species—approximately 40,000 genes—called the human genome. The mouse genome will be completed soon. It’s estimated that mice and humans shared a common ancestor 70-100 million years ago, and we still share many of the same genes. Dr. Mia Klannemark is using specialized computer programs to compare data on mouse and human genes. She hopes to gain insight into regulatory regions adjacent to genes, which control the production of proteins. Mia is examining how genes make proteins, and identifying which regulatory regions have remained the same between mice and humans, because these genes indicate important functions that have not changed over the period of evolution. She is also identifying genes that have changed, which may contribute to the differences between species. This knowledge will help us understand how genetic variation influences the development of disease, and could lead to more effective treatments.

Role of Notch4 in angiogenesis

New blood vessels can grow from existing blood vessels in a process called angiogenesis. Limiting new blood vessel growth is a promising approach to treating cancer because tumours require a blood vessel supply to grow larger than two to three millimetres or to metastasize (spread) to other sites. But much remains to be learned about the molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis in tumours. In earlier research, Dr. Michela Noseda and colleagues have shown that a protein called Notch4 can inhibit angiogenesis. Notch arrests growth in the endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels, but it’s not known how this process occurs. In her current research project, Michela will investigate how the Notch protein prevents endothelial cells from proliferating. Ultimately, she wants to discover whether manipulating Notch activity in tumour blood vessels can induce tumour regression and limit metastasis.

Cancer Genomics: Targeting genes activated during early stage lung cancer

While early detection is key to the successful treatment of many types of cancer, tumours still often go undetected and untreated until they are well advanced. Using information generated by the cancer genomics project at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre, Dr. Greg Vatcher’s research focuses on gene expression analysis-identifying genes that are activated in the earliest stages of cancer. He is hoping gene expression analysis can help detect tumours earlier. He is also conducting work to determine if tests can predict whether a person will develop cancer, based on pre-cancer genetic changes. Greg is bringing together information from multiple genomics projects, including data from the recently-completed Human Genome Project. For example, he’s taking genetic data being gathered on the normal aging process and relating it to his cancer study to determine if there are any common genetic components.

Cell therapies for the treatment of hematopoietic malignancies

Though small in numbers, stem cells are responsible for the continued production of blood cells throughout a person’s life. They are also responsible for regenerating the blood-forming system following a bone marrow transplant in people with leukemia and other blood diseases. While blood stem cell transplantation is a promising therapy, its use is currently restricted because researchers have not yet found a way to reproduce these cells in large enough numbers for effective transplantation. Dr. Clayton Smith’s research is devoted to developing a better understanding of blood-forming stem cells so they can be effectively isolated and manipulated. Using leading-edge bioengineering and computer-based technologies, he is systematically exploring how the body’s environment affects stem cell growth, to see if these conditions can be replicated outside the body. He is also studying the function of certain genes that may be important to stem cell growth. Ultimately, he hopes to learn enough about stem cells to be able to grow them in large numbers outside the body for use in blood stem cell transplantation.