Informal caregiving is defined as care provided by family and friends to a relative or friend residing in a long-term residential care (LTRC) situation. The role of informal caregivers is significant. Informal caregivers contribute more than 44 million hours of care work in LTRC facilities each year; a number that will more than double to 107 million hours in 2038 (source: Canadian Alzheimer Society). These contributions are essential given the current pressures on LTRC, which include an increasingly acute and medically/socially complex resident population and staffing levels that are typically below industry standards. Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch is conducting a series of studies focused on understanding how informal caregivers currently participate in LTRC. Dr. Baumbusch is asking the following research questions in order to better understand the role of informal caregiving and to develop and refine policies and practices to improve the integration of informal caregiving in LTRC. In what ways do informal caregivers contribute to the care of their relative? In what ways do informal caregivers contribute to the care of other residents? How do the informal caregivers’ contributions affect the everyday facility routines, such as recreational activities and meal times? Research will take place on regular units and on Special Care Units for residents with Alzheimer disease and related dementias and will recognize the unique needs of this specialized population. This program will incorporate ethnographic approaches and will be guided by input from community stakeholders. Research findings will be consolidated with existing literature to provide the basis for knowledge translation activities which will include policy forums that foster a national dialogue about caregiving in LTRC, collaborative knowledge translation research, and arts-based knowledge translation approaches. The aim of this program is to improve the integration and recognize the unique contributions of both informal caregivers and formal caregivers (staff) to care provision. Generating new policy directions will contribute to more effective healthcare services within LTRC and will ultimately improve the health of aging Canadians living in LTRC.
Program: Scholar
Promotion of metastasis by hypoxic tumour cells
Nine out of ten Canadians who are killed by cancer die because their tumour has metastasized, or spread, to other parts of their body. Metastasis occurs when tumour cells escape from the original, or primary, tumour and then grow into life-threatening metastatic tumours in other organs. Despite the fact that thousands of tumour cells can escape from a primary tumour every day, most cells do not live long enough to grow into metastatic tumours. As well, metastatic tumour cells can only grow in specific organs. Most primary tumours contain cells at lower oxygen levels than normal tissues, and these low-oxygen tumour cells make tumours more aggressive and metastatic.
Based on these facts, Dr. Bennewith's team is developing new approaches to help identify tumours that contain low-oxygen tumour cells in patients. In addition, Dr. Bennewith and his colleagues have recently discovered that proteins made by low-oxygen tumour cells cause the body's normal bone marrow cells to enter the bloodstream and build up in specific organs. These cells create an environment where metastasizing tumour cells can survive and grow into metastatic tumours. Dr. Bennewith’s team intends to identify the specific proteins that control bone marrow cell behavior in order to develop targeted therapies that will prevent the build-up of bone marrow cells in organs and thus inhibit metastatic tumour growth. Metastatic tumours are very difficult to treat, but by studying how tumour cells spread and grow into tumour metastases, more effective cancer treatments can be designed. Dr. Bennewith's expertise in metastasis research combined with his unique research program will improve our understanding of how low-oxygen tumour cells promote metastasis. Importantly, his work will help to create more effective methods to both detect and to treat metastatic cancer in the clinic.
A program of research to optimize public health immunization programs
Vaccines and immunization programs are the best way to prevent infectious diseases, improve child health, and save lives. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, vaccines have saved the lives of more babies and children than any other medical intervention in the past 50 years. Through immunization, we have eliminated smallpox and have nearly eliminated eight other deadly diseases of childhood, including chickenpox and some kinds of pneumonia and meningitis. We need to continue to immunize all children so that we maintain high levels of protection throughout communities, which will prevent these diseases from re-emerging. Despite having province-wide immunization programs in place, not everyone gets vaccinated, as shown by several disease outbreaks in the past few years.
Dr. Julie Bettinger is working to address key questions about vaccines and immunization programs to ensure optimal disease protection in the population. Her research assesses the effectiveness of existing vaccination programs, evaluates the effectiveness of new vaccines, and also studies the best way to deliver them to children, adults and communities. Her approach uses quantitative and qualitative methods and includes collecting and analyzing surveillance data on select vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccine-adverse events from the Canadian Immunization Monitoring Program Active, an active surveillance network in 12 pediatric centers across Canada.
Dr. Bettinger’s research also focuses on evaluating the safety and effectiveness of vaccines through grant-funded clinical trials and observational studies and promoting improved immunization uptake through qualitative studies that assess the factors affecting vaccine use. Her work is used by local, provincial, and national public health decision makers, other research scientists, health care providers, and the public. This work, which is conducted at the Vaccine Evaluation Center at the Child and Family Research Institute and BC Children's Hospital, will create a centre for applied, population-based immunization research unique to BC and Canada.
Innate immunity and its influence on cardiovascular function
In Canada, severe infection, or sepsis, is the most common acute illness causing death. Patients with severe infections can go into shock as a result of progressive cardiac collapse and can die within 24 to 48 hours. The mortality rate of sepsis is 40%. The fact that this rate has not changed in the last 30 years illustrates that very little is known about how infection causes cardiovascular dysfunction and that very little is known about the best ways to prevent this from occurring.
Dr. John Boyd's research program is using a two-pronged approach to understand how sepsis causes progressive cardiac collapse. The objective of his clinical research program is to identify prognostic factors and to characterize the cardiac response to infection in patients with sepsis. Specifically, he is focusing on very early enrollment of acutely ill patients with infection presenting to the St. Paul's Hospital emergency department in order to identify prognostic factors such as new biomarkers and the presence of emerging infections. He will characterize their cardiovascular response to infection using a bedside cardiac ultrasound. Although previous work in this area has been done, patients were recruited from critical care units 24 to 36 hours following admission, too late to identify prognostic markers and intervene to improve outcome.
As a complementary approach, Dr. Boyd's pre-clinical (basic) research program is taking a molecular approach and using the immune system as a tool in the fight against cardiovascular collapse. He has identified a "counter-regulatory" receptor which appears able to reverse the heart damage induced by other receptors in the same family. The identification of this receptor will hopefully lead to the development of a targeted intervention for sepsis-related cardiovascular dysfunction. Dr. Boyd's clinical research program aims to answer simple but as-yet unstudied questions such as the optimal volume of IV fluid and how one can reliably diagnose infection. Although the results of his laboratory work are not yet close to reaching the bedside, they may potentially lead to therapies in the future.
New synthetic methods and strategies: Enabling natural product drug discovery
Natural products are chemicals produced by living organisms that encompass a fascinating range of structural diversity and potentially useful pharmaceutical activities. Some of the better-known natural products include anti-bacterial compounds derived from fungi (e.g., penicillin), analgesics such as salicylic acid, derived from the bark of willow trees, and paclitaxel, an anti-cancer compound isolated from the Pacific Yew tree. In fact, over half of the drugs approved by the FDA in the past 25 years are derived from or inspired by natural products, and the near-doubling of the average Canadian’s life expectancy in the 20th century is largely attributed to medical advances based on these compounds.
Recent advances in biochemistry and molecular biology have guided the discovery of many new natural products. However, the limited quantities of natural source materials and environmental concerns associated with harvesting the producing organism highlight the importance of using alternate methods to synthesize these biologically active compounds in the laboratory. Thus, through a total synthesis approach, organic chemists are able to provide a renewable source of the natural product and generate sufficient quantities for extensive biological testing.
The focus of Dr. Robert Britton's Natural Product Research Program is the total synthesis of natural products that represent potential lead candidates for the treatment of human diseases. In particular, his group is focusing on developing novel synthetic pathways to manufacture sufficient quantities of eleutherobin and biselide A, two natural products that hold potential for the treatment of cancer, as well as a family of imminosugars that represent leads for the treatment of diabetes, viral diseases, and lyposomal storage disorders. The work of his team involves the development of innovative synthetic reactions that will allow them to construct complex natural products in a straightforward manner from simple chemical building blocks. The synthesis of these molecules will also enable the discovery of new substances that are similar in structure to these natural products but with potentially improved pharmaceutical properties.
Understanding the mechanisms of experience and injury based cortical plasticity
Strokes are caused by the interruption of blood flow or the rupture of blood vessels to the brain. This sudden loss of brain function can damage the brain centers that sense or move parts our body, profoundly impacting both physical and mental functions. As a result, stroke is the number one cause of acquired disability in adults around the world. Some stroke survivors are able to recover more quickly and more completely than others. Although recovery is influenced by the location of damage in the brain and the extent of the damage, recovery is also influenced by the brain's innate ability to initiate repair and re-wire damaged blood vessels and neuronal circuits in surviving regions. At the present time, we do not yet know why this re-wiring takes place in some patients but not others, nor do we know how to manipulate this process. What we do know is that this repair process can vary between patients and that some patients, such as diabetics, have a poorer prognosis following stroke.
Dr. Craig Brown's lab will use advanced imaging technologies to assess brain structure and function to understand how the brain is able to repair itself following a stroke and to understand why this is such a variable process between different patients. His research program is focused on three distinct yet complimentary lines of research, including: 1) understanding the impact of diabetes on recovery from stroke; 2) using electrical nerve stimulation to improve stroke recovery; and 3) elucidating the cellular/molecular mechanisms of learning or experience-based brain "plasticity".
As a result of this innovative research, Dr. Brown hopes to better understand the brain's plasticity associated with normal (learning/memory) and pathological (diabetes/stroke) brain states. His intent is that this work will stimulate new therapies for improving brain function both in normal situations and after stroke, particularly in patients who have previously had a poor prognosis.
Drug impaired driving: Evaluating the threat to traffic safety
Motor vehicle crashes cause 15,000 serious injuries and over 2,000 deaths in Canada annually. The contribution of drug-impaired driving to these tragedies is unknown, but suspected to be significant. This lack of knowledge hinders the development of effective traffic safety policies to prevent drug-impaired driving.
The research of Dr. Jeffrey Brubacher aims to prevent injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes. His research program consists of three inter-related themes:
- Cannabis and motor vehicle crashes. This five- year study will examine 3,000 injured drivers from five BC trauma centres to determine whether there was recent marijuana use before their crashes and whether or not the driver caused the crash. The study will provide important information about the role played by marijuana in causing car crashes.
- Prescription medications and motor vehicle crashes. This project will involve combining BC prescription data with BC driver records, including traffic accident reports, to determine whether or not drivers are more likely to be involved in a crash when they are taking prescription medications such as sleeping pills or pain medications.
- The Injured Driver Platform. This study will provide information on the motor vehicle crash risk associated with recreational drug use. Over an initial three-year period, medical data will be collected and interviews will be conducted with injured drivers at five BC trauma centres, and drivers will then be followed for two years after their original crash to determine how often they are responsible in other accidents or drive while impaired.
This project will help to identify risk factors for impaired driving which may be used to develop targeted interventions to prevent this risky behaviour. Dr. Brubacher's research will contribute to an international effort to understand the role played by prescription medications, marijuana, and other illegal drugs in causing motor vehicle accidents. He will present his findings to government officials so they are better able to develop effective road safety policy and public education campaigns targeting impaired drivers and, by doing so, to improve safety on our roads.
Physical activity in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung condition that affects more than 75,000 British Columbians. People with COPD have a shortness of breath, chronic cough, and can experience difficulties with the activities of daily life, such as showering, walking, and social activities. Many people with COPD have regular flare-ups, or exacerbations, of their lung condition. These exacerbations result in a severe shortness of breath and overall weakness and fatigue and sometimes lead to long hospital stays. These flare-ups and long hospital stays can cause severe problems with activity tolerance, which then further increases the risk of future flare-ups.
The objective of Dr. Pat Camp's research program is to investigate how physical activity can improve the health outcomes of people who are hospitalized with a COPD flare-up. This research program will include a systematic literature review to summarize the current state of knowledge, validating tools to measure activity in hospitalized COPD patients, and determining if exercise programs for hospitalized patients can improve their quality of life and health outcomes. In addition, Dr. Camp's research program will include projects that incorporate patient input about what activities are important to them, which will indicate the level and type of activity that is necessary in order for these patients to be discharged safely from the hospital.
By developing a thorough understanding of how exercise leads to increased health in COPD patients, this research program aims to improve the quality of life and overall health of patients hospitalized with acute COPD flare-ups. Future work will extend these innovations to other chronic lung disease populations, such as patients with lung transplants or interstitial lung disease.
Air pollution and asthma: Modifying factors in a public health context
In reaction to air pollutants, asthmatics may experience an “”asthma exacerbation”” characterized by the narrowing of their airways. This may lead to a shortness of breath that may require urgent medical attention. One source of air pollution associated with asthma exacerbations is diesel exhaust. How and why diesel exhaust causes exacerbations is unclear, but one hypothesis is that it causes “”oxidative stress””, which is damage to cells and body tissues due to certain chemical characteristics. Ongoing exposure to traffic-related air pollution can also result in new asthma in previously healthy individuals. Dr. Christopher Carlsten is working to understand how different air pollutants, particularly diesel exhaust, influence asthma. He is trying to determine whether diesel exhaust creates oxidative stress, and, if so, if that stress is responsible for airway narrowing in human asthmatics. In his laboratory, diesel exhaust is generated in concentrations typically found in mining operations or in busy bus terminals. Volunteer subjects inhale the exhaust for two hours – a short exposure time has no permanent effects but does produce mild, temporary changes – and changes in oxidative stress and airway narrowing are measured. In some subjects, other typical environmental allergens such as tree and grass pollen are added to see if they worsen the effect of diesel exhaust. In addition to this work, Dr. Carlsten and colleagues are following a group of more than 20,000 children from birth to see how their exposure to such pollution may lead to new asthma. Dr. Carlsten’s research will lead to a better understanding of diesel exhaust-related airways disease and will lead to measures to protect Canadians exposed to traffic-related pollution. This research aims to inform recommendations for or against changes in fuel composition and/or personal measures to bolster anti-oxidant levels. Dr. Carlsten’s work to understand the effects of air pollution on asthma development should inform interventions regarding pollutant exposure in children.
The role of emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder and self-injury
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is among the most complex, misunderstood, and stigmatized mental health problems. It is a serious psychiatric condition characterized by instability in relationships, emotions, identity, and behaviour that often induces intense emotional suffering and places affected individuals at high risk of suicide and self-injury. Approximately 10% of individuals affected by BPD die by suicide, 75% have attempted suicide, and 70-80% self-injure. BPD is also a significant concern for the public health-care system. Patients affected by BPD represent up to 20% of psychiatric inpatients and heavily utilize outpatient and hospital emergency services. In fact, the estimated costs to the health-care system per year for each BPD patient range from US$12,000–$30,000. Self-injury and other problems in BPD appear to be related to problems in the management of emotions, or emotion regulation problems.
Dr. Alexander Chapman’s research aims to better understand and treat BPD and related problems, such as self-injury and suicidal behaviour, by examining the role of emotions in BPD and self-injury. Research in his lab, the Personality and Emotion Research Laboratory, includes a variety of studies aimed at better understanding what causes and maintains BPD and self-injury, as well as studies designed to help us understand how to effectively treat BPD. He is also conducting studies on the risks and protective factors for self-injury.
Dr. Chapman’s short-term goal is to continue to develop his research on BPD in two key areas: (1) the role of emotion regulation in BPD and self-injury, and (2) effective treatments for BPD and NSSI. He has several grants for studies in these areas and hopes to expand this research over the next five years. In the long-term, Dr. Chapman would like to develop an interdisciplinary research, treatment, and education centre focused on BPD, self-injury, and related health problems. Such a centre would be unique in Canada and would have the potential to significantly improve our understanding and treatment of BPD as well as the education and training of junior researchers and professionals.