Integrated knowledge translation: Examining a collaborative knowledge translation approach

The purpose of this demonstration knowledge translation project is to build upon and advance knowledge of effective, integrated KT in health care in the context of the “Initiative for a Palliative Approach in Nursing: Evidence and Leadership” (iPANEL), an MSFHR-funded project on the advancement of evidence and leadership for a palliative approach in nursing. The KT research project will test a model for effective, collaborative and integrated knowledge translation processes in facilitating the uptake and integration of the clinical recognition to identify which clients would benefit from a palliative approach, particularly as they transition from hospital to community settings, and what resources could be mobilized for them. The research team will include academic, administrative, clinical stakeholders and a knowledge broker. The aim of the project is to refine a model for KT that provides practical guidance to Health Authorities and specific clinical sites for integration of KT into health services.

Principal Investigators:

Co-Principal Investigators:

Transforming spaces, transforming lives: An integrated community partnership to enhance the health and mobility of older adults

This project is a unique opportunity to capitalize on a “natural experiment” that will allow for understanding of the community impact of healthy, social, mobility-focused urban design on older adults; an aging demographic that will challenge cities to adapt the urban environment to be “age-friendly”, to allow for people to live healthfully, comfortably and independently as they age.

In partnership with the City of Vancouver, the researchers will evaluate the process of creating and implementing community-informed built-environment changes that put walking and cycling first (mobility) and that highlight the role of place-making (social spaces that build a sense of community) and their impact on mobility and health outcomes of older adults.

With a strong commitment to knowledge translation and moving research into action, solutions will be found on how best to implement built-environment modifications to enhance the mobility of older adults and slow the course of mobility decline and social isolation faced by older adults. Project results will be shared through the generation of a guideline document for cities that wish to make ‘age-friendly’ built-environment changes.

Principal Investigator:

  • Dr. Heather McKay, Professor & Director of the Centre for Hip Health & Mobility, Department of Orthopaedics and Family Practice, University of British Columbia

Community Partner:

  • Dale Bracewell, Manager, Active Transportation, Department of Engineering Services, City of Vancouver

KidsCan: Involving youth in research to create mHealth solutions for improved youth health

Through the establishment of a youth engagement initiative (KidsCan) this project will directly involve Canadian youth as advisors and partners in the research and development of innovative mobile based solutions to health problems that face today’s youth. The researchers and community partner will address the problem of childhood obesity that threatens the well being of Canadian youth and society. With direct involvement of youth partners in the design and evaluation processes, a smartphone application (MobileKids) will be developed that will help promote voluntary physical activity and healthy eating habits among youth. Along with interesting activities that require physical effort, the MobileKids application will include readily available nutritional information and interesting physiological data like heart and respiratory rates that can be used to generate peer support and interpersonal competition among young users to develop and adhere to healthy habits. In the long term, the KidsCan initiative will serve as a platform for development of more innovative solutions like MobileKids, while getting youth excited about science and research.

Principal Investigator:

  • Dr. Guy Dumont, Professor, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia

Community Partner:

  • Dr. Jean-Pierre Chanoine, Sub-speciality Director (Research Component), Centre for Healthy Weights Program, ShapeDown BC


  • Dr. John Mark Ansermino, Associate Professor, Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Anne Junker, Associate Professor, Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia