Making a difference.

Strong partnerships foster world-class health research. At Health Research BC, we partner with organizations to grow the province’s research talent, bridge gaps in the health system and optimize research investments.

We match partner contributions on funded awards dollar for dollar, effectively doubling the impact and value of your research investment and increasing the overall number of awards granted to BC researchers.

We regularly offer a variety of specialized funding programs in partnership with other organizations. Each year, we also invite organizations from across BC to partner with us in co-funding successful applications from our Health Research BC competitions.

By partnering on awards, your organization can grow research capacity and improve the health of British Columbians. Partnered awards also support funded researchers in securing national and international funding, and provide valuable connections between researchers, partner stakeholders and patient groups.

Some examples of our recent partnerships include:

  • Developing BC’s capacity for health policy and patient-oriented research through long-standing partnerships with CIHR on the Health System Impact Fellowship, and the SPOR initiatives.
  • Providing match funding to researchers applying to national and international funding competitions led by organizations including CIHR, SSHRC, Genome Canada, and Brain Canada.
  • Supporting BC’s pandemic research response through partnerships with other funders and organizations to co-fund priority COVID-19 research in BC.

Match funding opportunities

We offer match funding to qualifying BC-based researchers and research teams applying to non-BC government-funded research competitions that require applicants to source match funding as a condition of the application.

Partnerships in action

Featured news

Partnerships boost next generation of BC's neuroscience researchers

Along with our partners, we are co-funding exceptional research talent who are giving hope to people living with neurological diseases and disorders.

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Our partners

We are proud to partner with leading organizations from BC, Canada, and around the world to advance health research discovery and innovation.

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