Alzheimer Society of B.C.

The Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s vision is a world without dementia, and that world begins with a society were people affected by dementia are welcome, supported and included. Active in communities across the province, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. supports, educates and advocates for people affected by dementia while championing research on risk reduction, diagnosis, care and support. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. also advocates for the inclusion of historically underrepresented people and experiences in research and for research that addresses cultural diversity. As part of a national federation, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is recognized as a leading authority on dementia in Canada. Learn more at

Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia

The Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia is a registered charity that supports people who are affected by celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and other gluten-related conditions.

Celiac Disease (CD) is a genetic, multi-system, autoimmune disorder where the body reacts to gluten and other prolamines in wheat (e.g. durum, kamut, spelt), rye and barley. Gluten consumption causes damage to the absorptive surface of the small intestine and can result in malnutrition, anemia, nutritional deficiencies and an increased risk of other autoimmune diseases and some cancers of the gut.

Parkinson Society of British Columbia

Parkinson Society British Columbia is the voice of British Columbians living with Parkinson’s. Its purpose is to ease the burden and find a cure for Parkinson’s disease through advocacy, education, research and support services. The Society is part of a strong community united in its dedication to improve the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s.

Victoria Hospitals Foundation

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation (VHF) works in partnership with Island Health to enable donations to every area of care at Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria General Hospital, and the Gorge Road Health Centre. As Island Health’s charitable partner, we raise donations for medical equipment, special projects, education, and research. As a registered charity, our charitable registration number is: 10793 5637 RR0001.

In 2023/24, over $15.4 million was raised to support our hospitals, including gifts from over 6,600 donors. Since 1989, the Victoria Hospitals Foundation has raised more than $209 million to benefit our hospitals. Our community has generously funded thousands of pieces of urgently needed medical equipment and special projects to help these hospitals provide care to all 885,000+ residents of Vancouver Island.

Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation

Royal Columbian Hospital is a leading critical care hospital, serving a population of more than 1.8 million people — one in three British Columbians.

Providing the highest level of care to some of the province’s most critically ill and injured, Royal Columbian Hospital is the only hospital in BC with trauma, cardiac, neurosciences, high-risk maternity and neonatal intensive care on one site.

Building on a strong tradition of caring and community support, Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation was established in 1978 to raise funds for the hospital’s first CT Scanner. Since then, thousands of individuals, businesses, community groups and foundations have provided generous support each year to help fight for British Columbians in their most critical moments.

BC Schizophrenia Society Foundation

The BC Schizophrenia Society Foundation raises funds for schizophrenia research and the programs and services offered by BC Schizophrenia Society. The Society’s mission is to support families affected by schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses in British Columbia through education, advocacy and research. The Foundation is committed to ensuring that research into schizophrenia and related disorders continues in British Columbia. Learn more at and at