Health Quality BC provides system-wide leadership to efforts designed to improve the quality of health care in British Columbia. Through collaborative partnerships with health authorities, patients, and those working within the health care system, we promote and inform a provincially-coordinated, patient-centered approach to quality. Health Quality BC delivers the latest knowledge from home and abroad to champion and support high-quality care for every person in BC. This system-wide impact requires creativity, innovative thinking and evidence-informed strategies to shift culture, improve clinical practice and accelerate health care partners’ improvement efforts.

Funding interests

Award Types

Research Trainee

Research Interests

Health Quality BC is interested in research related to patient safety, as defined by the BC Health Quality Matrix, in all areas of care.  This includes research on the implementation of promising practices, the study of safety events in any health care setting, theoretical approaches to safety in health care, responding and learning from harm, and emerging safety risks and benefits of health care digitization.

  • patient safety
  • adverse events
  • health care harm
  • implementation science




Deanne Taylor

Award type

Convening and Collaborating

Project title

Co-developing system integrations and a research agenda for adverse drug event reporting and digital health at Interior Health