President & CEO Dr. Bev Holmes discusses the role of research in the health care system and what we can do to get further, faster with our efforts to integrate research and health care.
Organization Categories: MSFHR
Dr. Shannon Dames encourages others to find their “Roots to Thrive”
Dr. Shannon Dames, Vancouver Island University School of Nursing professor and researcher, and Roots to Thrive founder.
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Joining forces for responsive and responsible research funding
A new partnership opportunity is strengthening the evidence base for health research funding, enabling MSFHR to maximize the impact of our investments on behalf of British Columbians.
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Celebrating 20 years of Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at BC Cancer celebrates its 20th anniversary. MSFHR has been a proud supporter of the GSC since 2001.
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Dr. Marco Marra: At the international forefront of pursuing a genomics answer to cancer
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Science Centre , we’re highlighting two-time Scholar award recipient Dr. Marco Marra.
New BC research Fellows tackle pressing health system challenges
MSFHR co-funds six 2019 Health System Impact Fellows in partnership with CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, enabling 11 Fellows to be awarded in BC.
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Tackling the challenge: evaluating the funder’s role in KT
Gayle Scarrow shares some lessons learned after a recent evaluation of our own KT activities and how those learnings will inform our work going forward.
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Dr. Victoria Bungay receives $2.5M SSHRC grant with support from MSFHR match-funding
This grant will fund a 7 year, multi-site implementation project that brings together a pan-Canadian team to address gender-based violence research.
26 research teams receive awards to foster collaboration and improve the uptake of evidence
Eighteen 2019 Convening & Collaborating (C2) awards and eight 2019 Reach awards have been awarded to teams across BC.
2019 HP-I awardees will unite patient care and research to improve the health of British Columbians
11 clinicians have been awarded funding in MSFHR’s 2019 Health Professional-Investigator (HP-I) competition.