Board of Directors
Sunny Loo
Sunny Loo is a volunteer with the Patients as Partners/Patient Voice Network and a patient partner on the Research Ethics BC Advisory Board.
A pharmacist by training with a focus on technology and innovation, Sunny’s 40 plus years in the profession included development of innovative patient support programs, implementation of medication management pilot programs in several provincial jurisdictions, project management, and participation in the Ontario e-Health initiative as director of e-Health for the Ontario Pharmacists Association. Sunny and his wife recently retired their consulting practice that strove to better understand physician practices.
Sunny is a patient living with a rare form of vasculitis (Wegener’s Granulomatosis) for the past 12 years. Having been a part of the healthcare system as both a professional and as a patient, he seeks to share his experience with others. He is a patient partner on the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) Medication System & Therapeutic Quality Council and the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program. He served as the patient advisor for the VIHA Quality Operations Council until 2019. He is actively involved in several patient-oriented research related initiatives.
Sunny completed his internship as a peer to peer (patient) researcher with the PaCER (Patient and Community Engagement Research) Innovates Program through the University of Calgary. He and his wife are enjoying retirement in Sooke BC, along with their three Brussels Griffon dogs.