Question: What should research teams know about consent requirements/expectations around collecting data for cluster randomized trials?
Cluster randomized trials (CRTs) are becoming more popular in community-based intervention studies, public health research and quality improvement research. CRTs typically compare clusters of social units, such as hospital wards, clinics, neighborhoods and communities. Nevertheless, they also raise challenges for the consent process and collecting, using and sharing of study data. This session will be of interest to anyone who may be asked to obtain consent, collect data or is responsible for oversight, quality or ethics review for CRTs.
Join our special guest Dr. Anita Ho in the third episode of our ASK US series, season three. Learn more about why we conduct CRTs, ethical consent and data collection methods, and other considerations for study design.
Anita Ho, PhD, MPH
Scientist, CHÉOS
Clinical associate professor, Centre for Applied Ethics, UBC
Dr. Anita Ho is a bioethicist with a unique combined academic training and experience in clinical/organizational ethics, public health, business, and philosophy.
In addition to being a scientist at CHÉOS, Anita is currently a clinical associate professor in bioethics and health services research at the Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia, and an associate adjunct professor in the Bioethics Program at the University of California, San Francisco.
Terri Fleming
Director, operations, Health Research BC
Former director, Research Ethics BC
Alison Orth
Director, Clinical Trials BC, Health Research BC