Patient partner engagement consultations
We help researchers and teams adopt a patient-oriented research approach. This includes engaging with patients, families, caregivers, other people with lived experience and community members to improve health evidence.
Our patient support and training services include:
- consultation on patient engagement in research
- support for patient-oriented research grant applications
- resources and training for patient-oriented research
Letters of support
We provide letters of support to BC-based researchers, for research proposals that use patient-oriented research approaches.
Submit requests at least one week in advance of the competition deadline. Include a draft proposal that outlines your patient engagement plans.
You can also email bcsupportunit@healthresearchbc.ca.
Please note, we are unable to provide letters of support for applications to Health Research BC funding opportunities.
Key resources
Resources for POR planning
- A ‘menu’ of POR practices for research teams
- Planning template – patient and public engagement (AbSPORU)
- Workbook – patient engagement in research plan (Arthritis Research Canada)
Resources for researchers
Resources for patient partners
We offer training for partners interested in patient-oriented research.
Get involved
Are you a researcher looking for patient partners? Or are you a volunteer who wants to share your health experiences? REACH BC is an online platform that makes it easier for researchers and volunteers to connect.
We work with REACH BC to engage people with lived experience who are interested in volunteering as a patient partner or as a study participant in research.