Shabnam Massah

Dr. Shabnam Massah is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Massah is interested in understanding how gene expression becomes dysregulated in cancer cells and its link to treatment response and resistance. Her current research focus is to characterize the role of Gli transcription factors in progression and metastasis of prostate and breast cancers to design new strategies for treatment.

Shabnam obtained her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in 2018, where she characterized the role of an epigenetic regulator in controlling genome wide transcription in relation to DNA methylation.

During her doctoral studies, she was the recipient of a federal NSERC PGSD scholarship and several graduate fellowships from SFU. Dr. Massah worked as an instructor at SFU and mentored scores of students. She is currently a postdoctoral teaching fellow and teaches UBC MD undergraduates in the Foundations of Scholarship/Flexible Enhanced learning course. Her goal is to provide therapeutic options for prostate and breast cancer patients through her work as a scientist and educator.
