Robert Paquin

Robert Paquin works as a researcher, healthcare educator, and clinician. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. at King’s College London. His doctoral research critically examines the value of design approaches in Canadian healthcare quality improvement efforts, focusing on service design. He holds a Master of Science in health professions education and a Bachelor of Science in nursing.

At BCIT, Rob was the program lead and project managed a $3.2 million Canadian Digital Supercluster grant to envision, design, and develop a virtual simulation platform for nurses during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a faculty member, he has designed and delivered educational content in the classroom and clinical settings for emergency nurses and digital health quality improvement courses.

Clinically, Rob served as an emergency department registered nurse in a level 1 trauma centre and as a Paramedic in some of the highest call volume areas in British Columbia. Additionally, Rob has applied his skillset to volunteering on nursing professional boards, BCIT’s research ethics, and program directing the development of a free and open-source nursing education platform during the pandemic.

