Natasha Haskey

Dr. Natasha Haskey is a clinician scientist with a PhD and a background as a registered dietitian (RD), specializing in the influence of the gut microbiome and diet on digestive diseases.

Her research program focuses on enhancing nutrition therapy by identifying microbiome-derived biomarkers to predict and categorize individuals who will benefit most from such therapies. This approach aims to develop a predictive microbiome signature, enabling personalized dietary advice and a better understanding of the complex relationships between diet, gut microbiota, and overall health. Natasha’s current research explores the clinical benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and diet-microbiome-host interactions in both healthy individuals and those with Ulcerative Colitis.

With over two decades of clinical experience as a Registered Dietitian, Natasha completed her PhD at UBC-Okanagan (2022). She is also the author of the textbook, “Gut Microbiota: Interactive Effects on Health and Nutrition”. Natasha practices as an RD, partnering with LyfeMD, a cutting-edge digital platform designed to support individuals living with inflammatory conditions.

