Leah Lambert

As the Executive Director and Senior Scientist of Nursing and Allied Health Research and Knowledge Translation (KT) at BC Cancer, I lead collaborative research and KT initiatives in partnership with healthcare practitioners, health system leaders, policymakers, and patients to generate evidence-in-formed improvements in care, better patient outcomes and increased system performance. I take an equity first approach to study the health service needs of people diagnosed with cancer, including examining how cancer care practices, policies and systems are contributing to health and healthcare inequities and expanding multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving within the cancer system. I am leading a program of work to identify priority areas to target in working to develop transformative action through research and quality improvement opportunities aimed at addressing inequities in cancer care access, experience and outcomes. My long-term goal is to foster more equitable, responsive and respectful cancer services by generating evidence-based strategies for addressing differences at the point of care and through organization-specific approaches to close the health equity gap.

