Flora Foltanyi

Dr. Flora Foltanyi is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, working with Dr. Filip Van Petegem. Her current research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle contraction.

Flora received her doctoral degree in Biology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, UK, under the supervision of Dr. Tracey Gloster. For her doctoral thesis, Flora investigated the structure and function of hyperthermophilic enzymes involved in biofuel production utilising both biochemical and structural biology techniques. During her doctoral studies Flora’s interest shifted towards structural biology, with a specific focus on X-ray crystallography. Eager to expand her expertise and build on her previous knowledge, she joined Dr. Van Petegem’s research group as a postdoctoral fellow to learn cryo-electron microscopy.

Recent publications.

