Faezeh Borzooee

Dr. Faezeh Borzooee completed her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at SFU in the summer of 2022 with Dr. Mani Larijani. She holds an MSC in Immunology and Infectious disease from MUN.

During her Ph.D. she studied how the AID/APOBEC genome-mutating enzymes impact anti-viral and anti-tumor immunity. Her work uncovered variations in how these enzymes impact immunity from person to person based on the unique genetics of immune system components. These insights hold implications for personalized immunotherapy.

Currently, Faezeh is a postdoctoral fellow at BC Cancer, Terry Fox Laboratory, in Drs. Kuchenbauer/Rouhi’s lab working in collaboration with the lab of Dr. Mani Larijani at SFU. Her goal is to investigate the roles of APOBECs in the metabolic rewiring of cancer cells, with a focus on myeloma but potential applicability to other cancers as well.

Faezeh has received numerous awards, including the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute (BHCRI) Ph.D. fellowship, the President’s Ph.D. and Weyerhaeuser fellowships, and several Dean’s fellowships. These accolades have continuously motivated her in the pursuit of academic excellence.

Recent publications.

