Catherine Hogan

Dr. Catherine Hogan is a medical microbiologist, infectious diseases physician and epidemiologist with a passion for innovative diagnostic methods. She recently completed post-doctoral training at Stanford University, where she developed, optimized and improved diagnostic methods for infectious diseases. During this time, she led a multidisciplinary team that completed proof-of-concept work demonstrating the successful adaptation of a novel and universal metabolomics method for infectious diseases diagnostics. She has been very active in investigating diagnostic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, comprehensively publishing in this field and contributing directly-applicable knowledge. Her work has been recognized through several awards including the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada. Furthermore, she serves as associate editor for the Journal of Clinical Virology. She is now initiating her career at the BC Centre for Disease Control, where she will take on the role of medical microbiologist while pursuing an independent research career with the objective to improve public health outcomes.

For an up-to-date list of publications by Dr. Hogan, please see Google Scholar.
