Castel Ramirez

Dr. Miguel Ramirez is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia. His research interests primarily focus on the dynamics of epigenetics and gene expression underpinning development and disease. He implements cutting-edge sequencing technology and epigenomic techniques to better understand the relationship between human development and disease progression.

Miguel earned his PhD in Genome Science and Technology at the University of British Columbia and the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute. His thesis focused on the genetics driving brain development and neurodevelopmental disease. After completing his PhD, he pursued a position as a postdoctoral fellow in the Terry Fox Laboratory at the BC Cancer Research Institute.

Miguel is currently utilizing single-cell sequencing technology to investigate epigenetic alterations and abnormal gene expression in primary liver cancer. This project aims to describe the epigenetic landscape of liver tumors in unprecedented detail and identify genes driving tumor progression. The results of his study will ultimately guide diagnostic tests and therapeutic intervention.

Recent publications.

