Amanda Butler

Dr. Amanda Butler recently completed her PhD in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University (SFU) under the co-supervision of Dr. Tonia Nicholls and Dr. Ruth Lavergne. She holds an MA in criminology from SFU and BA in criminal justice and public policy from the University of Guelph. Her PhD research involved retrospective cohort analyses of the prevalence of mental health and substance use needs in provincial BC correctional facilities, and risk factors for recidivism.

Amanda’s key research interests are improving outcomes for justice-involved people with mental and substance use disorders, dual diagnosis and complex comorbidity, continuity of care, drug policy, and criminal justice diversion.

She received several notable awards during her PhD including a CIHR Doctoral Fellowship and an Endeavor Research Fellowship based in Melbourne, Australia. She is a founding member of the Applied Health and Justice Research Collaborative. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Nicholls’ lab in the UBC Department of Psychiatry and is co-supervised by Dr. Jason Sutherland at the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research in the UBC School of Population and Public Health.

For an up-to-date list of Amanda’s publications, see Google Scholar.
