Alexandra Kent

Over the past four years, I have invested in foundational community engagement, relationship-building, and learning with the xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ team, gaining invaluable exposure to Ktunaxa research protocols and methodologies. I am continuing this research relationship to lean into and build upon established partnerships, networks, and resources, and to honour our team’s long-term commitments to Ktunaxa Nation.

My research advances implementation science by weaving in Indigenous voices, knowledge systems and ways of knowing as well as critical theoretical perspectives such as anti-colonialism, anti-racism, and intersectionality. My goal is to become a leader in transdisciplinary, justice-driven and anti-oppressive research that actively responds to collaborative research opportunities for transforming systems (e.g. research, health, education) towards health equity.

For an up-to-date list of my publications, see my LinkedIn.
