Adapting BC’s healthcare system for equitable and tailored service provision to sexual and gender minorities

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people face judgment and discrimination on the basis of their sexualities and genders. This leads many LGBTQ people to avoid seeking treatment from the healthcare system, to hide aspects of their sexuality/gender when seeking care, or to selectively visit LGBTQ-affirming providers.

The goal of this research program is to develop a comprehensive understanding of healthcare access patterns among LGBTQ people in BC.


  • To describe points of healthcare access for LGBTQ people (‘where’)
  • To explore LGBTQ people’s reasons for avoidance, concealment, and provider selection when seeking healthcare (‘why’)
  • To characterize the ways in which service providers in BC ensure that their services are LGBTQ-affirming (‘how’)

Administrative health data, surveys, and interviews with providers and LGBTQ people will produce a detailed description of where, why, and how LGBTQ individuals navigate healthcare.

Collaborators include public health clinics, community organizations, and general practitioners. This research will provide recommendations to adapt BC’s healthcare system so that LGBTQ people receive the services they need, when they need them.