Many of the genes involved in aging are also involved in embryonic development. These same genes have been linked to cancer development (carcinogenesis). An example of such a gene is daf-2, which is the worm version of the human insulin and insulin-like growth factor receptor. When this gene is mutated in worms (C. elegans), they live twice as long. Victor Jensen studies genes regulated by daf-2 in order to find new genes implicated in longevity. He has identified a gene called zip-5 that, when mutated, allows worms to live 25-35 per cent longer and remain healthier. zip-5’s ability to extend longevity depends on the function of another gene called skn-1. SKN-1 has several functions: it contributes to embryonic gut development, it regulates stress response and is implicated in increased longevity that results from dietary restriction. The human counterpart to SKN-1 is called Nrf2, which regulates stress resistance in human cell lines. Nrf2 also provides a chemoprotective effect against carcinogenesis, injury and inflammation. The action of Nrf2 is opposed by a gene called Bach1 – the human counterpart of the worm zip-5 gene. Inhibiting Bach1 allows for easier activation of Nrf2 target genes, resulting in a stronger chemoprotective effect in cancer. Jensen’s research genetically characterizes this antagonistic relationship and identifies the novel role of zip-5 in longevity and development. He is working to determine whether the Bach1/Nrf2 relationship is parallel to the zip-5/skn-1 relationship in C. elegans, and whether it explains zip-5’s effect on longevity. He hopes his research will reveal a new role for zip- 5/Bach1 in development and longevity, and open the door to new studies looking at how Bach1 inhibition affects carcinogenesis and aging.