Research co-leads:
Research user co-leads:
Team member:
This project’s purpose is to hold a symposium followed by several advisory board meetings. The key objective is to bring health researchers and research users together to share ideas and plan for activities regarding Syrian mothers support and access to health care. This first step connects to a larger proposed longitudinal study application (MSFHR Health Professional-Investigator Program 2018) in planning research and building a strong foundation of trust and relationships within the community. The research team has been established and will complement the two funding opportunities. The proposed activities align with British Columbia’s health system priority areas of i) enhanced access to effective primary health care and; ii) mental health care.
Activities will focus on community engagement, a symposium (face to face event), and development of an advisory board consisting of key stakeholders and gatekeepers of the Syrian community. The advisory board promotes knowledge exchange about the aims of this research and to build dialogue about how the community might benefit from the research findings. Advisory board members will include Syrian mothers and members of the Syrian community, settlement workers, health care professionals, non-government organizations, and immigrant service representatives. As a point of entry, this research team has existing relationships with key stakeholders working at Bridge Clinic, Options Community Services and other immigration service centers already working with Syrian mothers and their families.
Anticipated outcomes are: