SuPA Mobility: Supporting Physical Activity for Mobility in Older Adults with Mobility Limitations

As individuals age, they have a greater risk of limited mobility, or difficulty in getting around safely in one’s environment. Limited mobility is linked to illness, disease, and decreased quality of life.

Recent research show increasing physical activity by 6-minutes per day can improve mobility and prevent future disability. Despite the positive impacts on health, many older Canadians do not perform sufficient physical activity. Health coaching, a person-centered process to change behaviors with goal-setting, action planning, and feedback, is effective at improving physical activity participation in older adults. However, none of the previous health coaching studies included older adults with limited mobility.

This study aims to address this knowledge gap to evaluate if health coaching can improve mobility and increase physical activity in older adults with limited mobility. We will conduct a 6-month study comparing health coaching to health education on improving mobility in older adults aged with limited mobility.

Potential Impact
Increasing physical activity through the use of health coaching has the potential to improve mobility and decrease the negative health impacts of limited mobility in older adults.