Research co-leads:
Research user co-lead:
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BC physicians began a low-carbohydrate physician group in 2016, which has grown to over 1,000 members. These physicians have seen tremendous success in stabilizing glucose, improving triglycerides, and reducing or eliminating the need for glucose lowering medications in their patients. No research has been conducted and no formalized data collection has occurred to document this innovative Type 2 diabetes treatment strategy. The goal of this project is to mobilize, coordinate, and expand this group to create a formalized network conducting research. Physicians, researchers, and knowledge users including eHealth technology experts and non-profit foundations will meet to co-create a roadmap for this research. The objectives of this proposed work is to organize a group of identified experts and collaborate on developing:
The expected outcomes will enhance the effectiveness of primary care in Type 2 diabetes and build the foundation for subsequent research and knowledge translation related to training primary care physicians on how to safely and effectively implement low-carbohydrate therapeutic nutrition.