Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC brings together community-and institutional-based researchers in Aboriginal Health across BC. Its goal is to establish a network of researchers in Aboriginal health driven by, and responsive to, Aboriginal community directives and dedicated to capacity building within the communities themselves.
- Jeffrey Reading, PhD
University of Victoria
- Chris Lalonde, PhD
University of Victoria
- Margo Greenwood, PhD
University of Northern British Columbia
Award term completed in 2010.
Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC brings together community-and institutional-based researchers in Aboriginal Health across BC. The network aims to better represent Aboriginal perspective and community concerns, fostering research-community partnerships and participation. It promotes an environment and culture of collaboration, empowerment and respect with a view to cultivate an alignment of focus, resources and momentum around Aboriginal health research. Through effective information sharing and management, research collaboration, and targeted educational settings, the network provides the infrastructure to build provincial capacity in Aboriginal health research and it will ultimately contribute towards the improved health status of Aboriginal peoples in BC.
The mission of Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC is to build a community-based network that is sustainable, supportive and respectful in order to build capacity in Aboriginal Health research in BC and to improve the Aboriginal communities’ ability to become more competitive for national and international funding.
The specific goals of the network are:
- To establish the strategic focus of the network which is to increase capacity in Aboriginal health research in British Columbia;
- To facilitate network building through partnerships and collaboration in Aboriginal health research between researchers and communities;
- To promote and facilitate excellent research that is culturally appropriate, community-based where possible and appropriate, and that leads to tangible health benefits of Aboriginal populations in BC and elsewhere;
- To promote information sharing, by circulating and distributing research findings on Aboriginal health to communities, health and service providers, government, the research community, and educational institutions;
- To increase funding within Aboriginal health research with success in national and international funding competitions;
- To ensure community consultation and participation as a critical component of all future Aboriginal health research in British Columbia;
- To develop a sustainable and inclusive network that will continue to evolve over time, by establishing long-term relationships between investigative teams and Aboriginal communities;
- To test and develop requested community interventions that are efficacious and effective, which can be evaluated by the community and research team over time;
- To develop ethical research contracts based on culturally safe methodologies, such as community based participatory action research (CBPAR);
- To establish Provincial and National standards for conducting Aboriginal health research.