Mental Health and Addiction Services and Policy Investigative Team

To provide evidence to support and improve the integration of primary mental health care service delivery with specialist mental health services and community interventions and supports, including the development of integrated addiction and mental health services.


To provide evidence to support and improve the integration of primary mental health care service delivery with specialist mental health services and community interventions and supports, including the development of integrated addiction and mental health services.

Profile and Purpose

The mission and focus of this investigative team is the development and application of new knowledge to improve mental health and addictions services and policy in BC and Canada. A series of initiatives are planned within three broad themes:

Integrating the Network of Services and Supports for Mental Health and Addictions. Research is planned to further inform the integration of primary mental health services with specialist mental health services and community intervention and supports. Possible activities include:

Enhancing the Mental Health and Addictions Response System. Research is planned to improve understanding of current practices and outcomes, and possible projects include:

Extending Mental Health and Addictions Response System beyond “formal services and treatments” to include more community and family supports. Research in this theme may include: