Amanda Slaunwhite

Dr. Amanda Slaunwhite is a senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and assistant professor (partner) at the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. She is also an affiliated scientist with the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences (CHEOS). At the BCCDC, Amanda is the scientific-lead for the Provincial Overdose Cohort. The cohort is a collection of linked administrative data, including data from BC Emergency Health Services and BC Coroner’s Service, on fatal and non-fatal overdose events since 2015.

Amanda leads an active program of research that uses administrative health data to examine topics related to overdose, substance use, mental health and criminal legal system involvement. She also leads projects that use community-based participatory methods in the areas of peer support and peer health education, substance use, and community reintegration after release from correctional institutions.

Amanda is the co-principal investigator of the UBC Research Excellence Cluster in Transformative Health and Justice (2020 – 2023).

For an up-to-date list of publications by Amanda, please see Google Scholar.
