The goal of this project is to create new knowledge towards practical improvements in the delivery of healthcare services to people with complex concurrent disorders (CCD. The project will examine system-wide impacts on individuals with CCD following implementation of two innovative programs in the Vancouver area designed to enhance access to appropriate care.
The goal of this project is to create new knowledge towards practical improvements in the delivery of healthcare services to people with complex concurrent disorders (CCD. The project will examine system-wide impacts on individuals with CCD following implementation of two innovative programs in the Vancouver area designed to enhance access to appropriate care.
Vancouver Coastal Health Access and Assessment Centre will provide centralized access to specialized adult treatment services for mental health/addictions across acute care and community services for CCD patients. A specialized treatment service will also be introduced through the Providence Hub in St. Paul’s hospital to CCD patients from the city’s downtown who are brought to hospital by police and seek to reduce the "revolving door" phenomenon.
The project addresses the BC Ministry of Health’s priority area, primary and community care. Individuals with severe mental health and addictions are identified as a key priority group requiring service improvements. The findings of the project will inform decisions to re-design essential services for people with CCD in BC and inform policy decision-makers and managers across Canada and internationally.