Community Collaboration in the Gamification of a Proactive mHealth Intervention for Late-Life Cognitive Health

Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is a likely precursor to dementia. With no known cure for dementia, and a rapidly aging world population, there is great need for research that targets reducing risk. Our team has developed and pilot-tested an mHealth-app-based psychoeducation intervention targeting cognitive health promotion for older adults; the results of this pilot study reflected a highly feasible intervention, but that many participants wanted an “extra challenge” in learning and applying their new knowledge. The proposed project will work with knowledge users (e.g., people with SCD or lived experience of dementia and related disorders, family members, caregivers, clinicians, and advocates) to develop a plan for enhancing engagement through gamification. We will achieve this goal by consulting with knowledge users through a working group of persons with lived experience (PWLE), researchers, developers, and a clinician. This working group will identify the priorities of knowledge users for the enhancement of the intervention and how to move forward. This project will also disseminate knowledge gained from the working group consultations to research users via a public forum, an academic paper, and a series of infographics.