2024 Health Professional-Investigator (HP-I) award recipients

The Health Professional-Investigator (HP-I) Program is designed to develop BC’s research talent and help decrease the gap between health research and its implementation. The awards support health professionals who are actively involved in patient care to conduct and apply research relevant to health and/or the health system.

Host institution

University of British Columbia


Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation

Project title

Longitudinal non-invasive optical biopsy of skin cancers to monitor efficacy and response to treatment

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Host institution

Interior Health Authority

Project title

Seeking Rural Equity by Increasing Rural Engagement in Clinical Trials: An East Kootenay Clinical Research Program

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

The Better Outcomes for the Sickest & Tiniest (BOOST) Program – Rigorous clinical trials in babies born extremely preterm to improve patient and family important clinical outcomes

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

Optimal antithrombotic therapy for patients after cardiac surgery

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

EQUITY-PIC-BC: Epidemiology and Quality of Pediatric Intensive Care in British Columbia: a health equity perspective

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Host institution

BC Cancer

Project title

Toward an immunohistochemical model for molecular subtyping and predicting of treatment response in bladder cancer

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

Precision Nutrition for Digestive Diseases: Bridging the Gap through Translational Nutrition Research (PRECISE Study)

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

Using an equity-informed approach to enhance care for children and youth with a neurological condition in British Columbia

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Host institution

BC Cancer

Project title

BC Familial Pancreatic Cancer Program-Improving access to germline testing at time of diagnosis

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Host institution

BC Cancer

Project title

Understanding and Overcoming Disparity in Care of Breast Cancer Patients in Rural British Columbia

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Host institution

BC Cancer

Project title

Developing equity-centered language with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples to reduce anti-Indigenous discrimination in healthcare

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Host institution

University of British Columbia

Project title

Administrative-based case-finding algorithms to evaluate health inequities: a methodological framework and an application in progressive pulmonary fibrosis

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Host institution

Fraser Health Authority

Project title

Preventing the Next Fracture: Expanding Access to Fracture Liaison Services across British Columbia

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Host institution

Provincial Health Services Authority

Project title

Co-designing the implementation of an injury prevention program in girls community soccer

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