Cyclic Progesterone and Spironolactone Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Individuals living with androgenic-PCOS have had few choices and effective therapy options for many years. This 6-month open-label trial is exploring cyclic oral micronized progesterone and spironolactone as an option for individuals who are not tolerating or are dissatisfied with CHC. There is a strong rationale for use of each of these therapies. It may be that these results lead to improved PCOS quality of life, more regular cycles, less psychologically devastating skin/hair changes and improved fertility. Should this pilot study show what we expect—better PCOS-Q quality of life including emotional, weight, hirsutism, cycles and fertility domains, it will have provided the first evidence supporting a potentially important new therapy for PCOS. This new therapy might be life-changing for some individuals in BC who are now struggling to deal with the changes associated with living with androgenic-PCOS. This project is supported by CANTRAIN-CTTP & Michael Smith Health Research BC Masters’ Studentship 2023 Award Program. Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior, the principal investigator is an endocrinology professor at the University of British Columbia, is the scientific director of the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research and my supervisor.