The “17 year gap”: its origin, evolution and relevancy
April 22, 2022
Alison Hoens - Knowledge Broker, Clinical Professor, and Research Associate at UBC, Arthritis Research Canada, CHEOS
Gayle Scarrow - Director of Knowledge Translation at Michael Smith Health Research BC
This session will explore some key concepts of the literature related to the frequently cited “17-year gap between research discovery and implementation”. Gayle Scarrow and Alison Hoens will highlight their learnings from the methods and messages derived from a selection of the literature and invite participants’ perspectives on the interpretation and implications of this literature.
Learning Objectives:
- to have an understanding of how “the 17-year gap” was calculated
- to have an understanding of literature since the publication of the “17-year gap”
- to appreciate nuances in the literature which influence interpretation of, and implications of, literature related to “the gap”.
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Testing the Waters Before Diving In-- Determining the Type of Knowledge Gap and the Readiness of Knowledge to Fill It
- Clinical trials are the gold standard for informing clinical practice. How can decision sciences improve their real-world impacts?
- Clinician-Scientists in Canada: Barriers to Career Entry and Progress
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