How can health economic models better reflect patient and public values? Understanding stakeholder perspectives and research priorities through the Peer Models Network

Researchers build computer models to explore the potential costs and benefits of different ways of providing health care — and model results influence health services in BC. This project will bring together BC experts (‘health economic modelers’) and connect them with research users and members of patient and public organizations. First, modelers will meet with research users to understand current processes of model development, decision-making, patient and public involvement, and transparency (i.e. clear, culturally safe, accessible information) in modeling. Then, modelers, research users, and members of patient and public organizations will meet at two online engagement sessions. Sessions will highlight what health economic modeling is; how models are developed; why modeling involves making social and ethical decisions that affect patients and members of the public; what modeling processes in BC are like; how models are being used in policy-making; where patient and public input in modeling is most important; and the goals of transparency. Participants will be invited to discuss and record their research priorities and perspectives on appropriate processes, creating shareable knowledge and connections for future collaboration.

Team members: Ian Cromwell (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health); Stephanie Harvard (UBC); Manik Saini (BC Ministry of Health); Jemal Mohamed (BC Ministry of Health); Leah Grantham (Independent Consultant); Amin Adibi (UBC); Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida); Nick Bansback (UBC); David Whitehurst (Simon Fraser University)