Nichole Fairbrother

Dr. Nichole Fairbrother is a registered psychologist and clinical associate professor with the UBC Department of Family Practice. She is a CIHR-funded perinatal mental health investigator, and head of the UBC Perinatal Anxiety Disorder Research Lab (PARLab). Dr. Fairbrother is a member of the Women’s Health Research Cluster and is leading the perinatal mental health working group, which established the first perinatal mental health conference within the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting.

Her research is in the area of perinatal anxiety disorders and epidemiology, with a focus postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm, perinatal obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and screening. Current research activities include two inter-connected studies of screening for perinatal anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, a large-scale study of postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm and their relation to OCD and infant safety, and several inter-connected studies of fear of childbirth. She is in the planning stages for randomized controlled trials of therapist-supported, internet based cognitive behaviour therapy for pregnancy-specific anxiety and postpartum OCD.

For an up-to-date list of publications by Dr. Fairbrother , visit Google Scholar.
