Hilla Weidberg

Mitochondria are organelles that serve as a hub for the biogenesis of indispensable metabolites. Decline in mitochondrial function is a feature of aging and various disorders, including metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, which are often incurable. our laboratory aims to understand how mitochondrial homeostasis is maintained and repaired under challenging physiological and disease conditions.

We focus on one of the most fundamental processes required for mitochondrial function; biogenesis and quality control of the mitochondrial proteome. Using an interdisciplinary approach combining biochemistry, genetics, molecular and cellular biology with super-resolution microscopy we will identify novel biological regulators of mitochondrial protein homeostasis. This approach will expend our recent discovery of the first surveillance pathway that aids mitochondrial protein biogenesis.

Our research will shed new insights about the biology behind diseases with dysfunctional mitochondria. By that, our work will serve as a platform to the development of novel therapeutic approaches and impact the treatments available for mitochondria-related diseases.

For an up-to-date list of publications by Dr. Weidberg, please see Google Scholar.
