Canadian Consortium of Clinical Trial Training Platform (CANTRAIN)This project is an international randomized clinical trial being implemented across 12 Canadian and 5 International centers exploring the effectiveness of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) in the treatment of oligometastatic cancer. SABR is a modern radiotherapy technique for cancer treatment that delivers high doses of radiation to small tumor targets, while trying to avoid healthy tissues and organs. However, SABR treatment requires increased planning, treatment time, cost and potential for higher toxicity due to the higher dose and avoidance of nearby normal tissue. The purpose of this study is to compare different doses of SABR regarding toxicity, progression-free survival, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness.
Along with funding from The CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing platform (CANTRAIN), The Michael Smith Health Research BC (Health Research BC) will be providing funding as part of the 2023-2024 CANTRAIN Doctoral Studentship to help develop the project in British Columbia.
Our research team is based in Northern BC in Prince George at BC Cancer – Prince George with a focus on radiotherapy research and large-scale clinical trials. This project is based on previous research from our lab, and it is being developed to build on our previous findings.
The outcomes of this project will contribute valuable insights to shape cancer treatment approaches, policies, and decision-making processes, considering their impact on healthcare resources and the burden on patients.